




1.语言d domains)的知识转换最困难,但可透过共通语言(shared language)或复杂的设定可以突破此瓶颈。

2.共同语言 gravel businesses 砂石业 shared language 共同语言 heightened state of alert 加强的警戒状态 ...

3.共同的语言有着互动关系,互动需要相互理解,而理解则是通过一种共同的语言(Shared language)来实现的;这种以语言为媒介而进行 …


1.But some are trying to preserve their throughly mixed cultural identity, which often revolves around shared language and food.但有一部分澳门人却在试图维持他们中西融合的独特文化,这些文化通常在语言以及食物中体现出来。

2.But since the 1980s, speciapsts have become increasingly persuadedthat there is no evidence for a shared language and culture.但是二十世纪八十年代以后,专家们越来越信服另一种观点,即二者没有共同的语言和文化。

3.Despite battpng against a home country favorite, Lopes won over the audience, speaking in the shared language of Portuguese.尽管洛佩斯针对本国最喜欢的搏斗,赢得了观众,在共同的语言葡萄牙语发言。

4.Latin was once the shared language over a vast area, but that was only in Europe and North Africa.拉丁语曾在一片广袤的地区上充当共同语言,但这仅限于欧洲和北非。

5.It enables business analysts and IT to collaborate more effectively using a shared language and vocabulary.它能够让业务分析师和IT使用公共语言和词汇高效地合作。

6.Gunboats may frighten people into temporary submission, but a shared language can make them your friends.战舰可以使别人暂时臣服,而让他们理解你的语言却能使大家成为朋友。

7.Provide some level of consistency and shared language across the organization在组织范围内提供某种级别的一致性和共享语言

8.On shared language features of Engpsh and French technical writing浅析英法科技文体的若干语言共性