



美式发音: [ˈmɜrmər] 英式发音: [ˈmɜː(r)mə(r)]


v.咕哝;小声说;诉怨 (at; against);沙沙地响


复数:murmurs  现在分词:murmuring  过去式:murmured  同义词




v.1.咕哝;发牢骚,诉怨 (at; against)2.小声说,私语;沙沙地响3.低声说(秘密等)

n.1.something that is said in a very quiet voice; a quiet expression of a feepng2.a quiet continuous sound3.a complaint about someone or something that you make in a quiet or secret way4.an unusual quiet sound made by your heart that may be a sign of disease or damage1.something that is said in a very quiet voice; a quiet expression of a feepng2.a quiet continuous sound3.a complaint about someone or something that you make in a quiet or secret way4.an unusual quiet sound made by your heart that may be a sign of disease or damage

v.1.to say something in a very quiet voice2.to make a quiet continuous sound3.to complain in a quiet or secret way about someone or something

1.小声嘀咕 ... The housewife (家庭主妇) murmured小声嘀咕,反复抱怨) against high price 新东方新概 …

2.怨言 yelled = 大叫 murmured = 怨言 ordered = 命令 ...


1.For it might have been sold for more than three hundred pence, and have been given to the poor. And they murmured against her.这香膏可以卖三十多两银子周济穷人。他们就向那女人生气。

2.The skilful do not seem to hear the murmured objection, and they continue their manoeuvres.机灵人似乎听不见这种窃窃私议的反对意见,仍旧继续他们的勾当。

3."Damn it all, " he murmured, turning toward the door. "I knew that would happen. "“真该死,”他嘀咕着,朝门口走去。“我知道这事会发生的。”

4.But, before she could repeat the question, he murmured an answer as if she had repeated it.但是不等她重复她的问题,他却喃喃地作出了回答,仿佛她已经再次问过了。

5.When Jesus knew in himself that his disciples murmured at it, he said unto them, Doth this offend you?耶稣心里知道门徒为这话议论,就对他们说,这话是叫你们厌弃吗。

6.'I ought not to have come, I suppose, ' she murmured, looking at the sky.“我想我不应该来的,”她看着天空低声说。

7.'Jane, help me, ' he murmured, almost falpng. I helped him to sit down, and sat with him. He took my hand and rubbed it gently.“简,帮帮我。”他嘟囔着,几乎摔倒。我扶他坐下,然后坐到他身边。他握着我的手,轻轻抚摸着。

8."Hmph! " he murmured, with a movement of his head to one side. It was the weakest thing he had ever done. It was totally unassured.“哼!”他把头一歪轻轻哼了一声。这是他最无力的举动,口气中一点也没有把握。

9.He walked along the Opera House's construction site, special pick a dark place to go, his mouth spoke murmured some incoherent words.他沿着歌剧院的建筑工地,专拣黑暗的地方走,嘴里喃喃地说着一些不连贯的话。

10.As we stood thus she murmured, as if in real distress, her need for the money I had promised her. It was for "maman. "我们这样站着,她低声咕哝说她需要我应允给她的钱,好像真的遇到了难处,这钱是给“妈妈”的。