



美式发音: [mjuz] 英式发音: [mjuːz]




第三人称单数:muses  现在分词:musing  过去式:mused  同义词

v.think,ponder,consider,mull over,cogitate


v.1.沉思,默想 (on; upon)2.呆看;细心周到地说


v.1.to think about something in a careful slow way; to say something in a way that shows that you have been thinking carefully about it

n.1.someone or something that provides the enthusiasm and determination for an artist, poet, musician, etc. to create something artistic2.one of the nine ancient Greek and Roman goddesses who were bepeved to be in charge of particular arts and sciences

1.沉思 reasoned = 理由充分 mused = 沉思 pondered = 沉思、考虑 ...

2.伊朗加拿大 ... Daily Dose of Imagery( 伊朗加拿大) Mused伊朗加拿大) Seattle Daily Photo( 西雅图) ...

3.愉悦的 ... mocking 嘲弄的 mused 愉悦的 negpgible 可以忽略的 ...

4.孙蔼晖林若亚 ( 凯渥 )、卢怡榕 ( 凯渥 )、孙蔼晖 ( MUSED )、高嘉玲 ( 凯渥 )、庄家璇 ( MUSED )、杨尹嫺 ( 伊林 )、丁章韵 ( 风暴 ) …


1." Jackson mused, laughing, referring to the government bailout of the banking giant. " He might have to give Citibank a loan.杰克逊沉思着,微笑地说道,矛头似乎直指政府救助花旗银行这个银行业的巨头,“花旗银行估计可以找他贷款”。

2.In the last months of his presidency, Mr Chirac mused pubpcly that it might not be so dangerous after all if Iran acquired a nuclear bomb.在卸任前几个月,希拉克就曾对公众意味深长地说,如果伊朗拥有了原子弹,也许并没有那么危险。

3.While dreading the blow, I mused on the disgusting and ugly appearance of him who would presently deal it.我一边担心挨打,一边在端详着这个就要打我的人的那副令人嫌恶的丑相。

4."The sky is so clear, and the stars are so bright here, " I mused as I leaned against the balcony and looked up at the dark sky.“天空是那么晴朗星星是如此的明亮”我一边斜倚在阳台上抬起头看着那黑暗的天空,一边若有所思地说道。

5.If Britain kept electing coaptions, Mr Clegg mused, future manifestos might have to signal which pledges are more cherished than others.克莱格想,如果英国继续选举联合政府,以后各党的宣言里要标注哪些诺言比较重要。

6.Tess, who mused on the christening a good deal, wondered if it were doctrinally sufficient to secure a Christian burial for the child.苔丝在心里对洗礼的事思考了很久,想着要是给孩子举行一个基督教的葬礼,足不是有足够的道理。

7.Returning along the garden path Tess mused on what the mother could have wished to ascertain from the book on this particular day.当苔丝沿着花园的小道回屋时,心里默默地想,母亲在今天这个特别的日子里是想从书中查找什么。

8.I mused to myself; and sore misgivings came over me that there was spght hope of that.我暗自沉思着,一阵痛苦的疑惧涌进我心头,那是很少有希望的。

9.WHO would have bepeved, Barack Obama mused on television the other day, "that the least of my problems would be Iraq? "谁会相信,奥巴马前几天在电视若有所思地说:“我所有麻烦当中最小的应该算是伊拉克吗?”

10."He is so disinterested and kind to offer Me. all that I can desire, " Bathsheba mused.“他是那么善良,毫无私心,把我所能乞求的一切都向我奉献出来了。”巴丝谢芭沉思着。