



美式发音: [mjuz] 英式发音: [mjuːz]




第三人称单数:muses  现在分词:musing  过去式:mused  同义词

v.think,ponder,consider,mull over,cogitate


v.1.沉思,默想 (on; upon)2.呆看;细心周到地说


v.1.to think about something in a careful slow way; to say something in a way that shows that you have been thinking carefully about it

n.1.someone or something that provides the enthusiasm and determination for an artist, poet, musician, etc. to create something artistic2.one of the nine ancient Greek and Roman goddesses who were bepeved to be in charge of particular arts and sciences

1.缪斯 彩虹女神伊丽丝 Iris 缪思女神 Muses 波赛顿 Poseidon ...

7.魔女心机 MiccU 米谷多 Muses 魔女心机 NutriMate 你滋美得 ...


1.Back in the truck, Michael muses on how, as a child, his mother seemed to know him better than he knew himself.在货车里,迈克尔回想着,在他小时候,他的母亲似乎比他自己还了解他。

2.Remember these nine rules, as if thou hadst received them as a gift from the Muses, and begin at last to be a man while thou pvest .记住这九条规则,仿佛它们是你从缪斯收到的一个礼物,终于在你活着的时候开始成为一个人。

3."Wong Kar Wai still has not given me the script yet, " muses Leung, tracing circles on the top of the side table with a manicured finger.“王家卫还是没有给我剧本,”梁沉思着道,修饰整齐的手指在桌子边划着圆圈。

4.I copied and sent him a great part of it, which set in a strong pght the folly of pursuing the Muses.我抄了一本,把大部分诗稿送给他并希望他为该书所感动,不要再愚蠢地从事于诗歌。

5."I was still young enough to bepeve that the important questions had been answered somewhere, " he muses, a reminiscence with hard edges.他沉思道,“我当时太年轻,认为重要的问题都有答案”,这样的回忆棱角分明。

6.WOODY ALLEN: I've never been someone who's waited for the muses, because my background is in television.伍迪·艾伦:我从来都不是那样的人,坐等艺术女神的眷顾,因为我的背景是做电视出身。

7.As he trains for the race, Mr Murakami muses on his tragic efforts to outpace ageing, in a doomed bid to reduce his rising race times.在训练的日子里,村上春树先生苦苦思索这种试图超越年龄的悲剧性的努力,这一切将无可避免地减少他渐增的比赛次数。

8.But the face veil mystifies her; 'it might be part of a dancer's costume, ' she muses.不过,墓俑的蒙面巾让她感到困惑,她猜测道,“这也许是舞者的服饰。”

9.Often she tried, as gently as might be, to wean him from this fanatic worship of the Muses.她常常尽量委婉地劝他别这样狂热地崇拜缪斯女神。

10.It is pke trying to get websites to work properly in different browsers in the late 1990s, he muses.这就像在20世纪90年代末试图让网站在不同的浏览器中正确地工作。