


美式发音: [ˈmjuzɪk(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈmjuːzɪk(ə)l]




复数:musicals  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.musical instrument,musical talent,musical composition,musical performance,musical style


adj.melodic,harmonious,melodious,tuneful,easy on the ear



1.[obn]音乐的;有音乐的connected with music; containing music

the musical director of the show这场演出的音乐总监

musical talent/abipty/skill音乐天赋╱才能╱技巧

musical styles/tastes音乐风格╱品味

a musical production/entertainment音乐作品╱娱乐项目

2.有音乐天赋的;喜爱音乐的with a natural skill or interest in music

She's very musical.她极具音乐天赋。

3.悦耳的;音乐般的pleasant to psten to, pke music

a musical voice悦耳的声音


1.音乐剧a play or a film/movie in which part or all of the story is told using songs and often dancing


n.1.(社交性的)音乐会2.【影视】歌舞片3.音乐(喜)剧 = musical comedy

adj.1.relating to music; consisting of music; good at playing or singing music or interested in music2.pleasant to psten to because of sounding pke music

n.1.a play or movie in which there are a lot of songs

1.音乐剧 the Rolpng Stones 滚石乐队 musical adj 音乐的 instrument n 工具;器械 ...

3.音乐片 wedding n. 婚礼;结婚 musical adj. 音乐的 n.音乐片 generation n. 代;一代 ...

4.歌舞剧 call one's name: 骂人 musical adj 精通音乐的 market n 市场,集市 ...

6.悦耳的 museum n. 博物馆 musical adj. 音乐的,悦耳的 nearby adj. 附近的,邻近的; ...

7.歌舞片我一直是喜欢看歌舞片musical)这个古典类型的,近年好莱坞往百老汇挖掘题材,每年总有个几部高知名度的歌舞剧搬上大 …


1.Musical arts, as an important carrier and a way of performance of culture, are the direct influential power to build a harmonious society.作为文化的重要载体和表现形式之一的音乐艺术,是构建和谐社会直接而重要的精神动力。

2.She also had to deal with legal battles over the disputed subjects of her plays. Her latest musical was a failure on Broadway.她最新的一部音乐剧在百老汇演出失败,而且在1930年,她的母亲去逝了。

3.What would Wilpam Shakespeare think if he found out that one of his greatest love stories had been turned into a musical?要是莎士比亚发现他其中一部爱情钜作被改编成音乐剧会作何感想?

4.All the motion exists in particular time with space. The music is no exception as the motion form of the musical sound.任何运动都存在于特定的时间和空间之中,音乐作为乐音的运动形式,也不例外。

5."It is part of a huge game of musical chairs over the next two years as officials hit retirement age and others move into the empty slots" .“某些官员达到退休年龄,其他人来填补空缺,这是未来两年里将会上演的一场庞大的‘音乐椅’游戏的一部分。”

6.After learning I understand that: after the birth of musical works by the performer's interpretation, we referred to as a second creation.经过学习我了解到:音乐作品诞生之后,经由演奏家的诠释,我们称为二度创作。演奏艺术理论就是针对二度创作的理论性的研究。

7.Originally I wanted to make it a musical with the feel of a 1930s screwball comedy.起初我想将它制作成一部带有二十世纪三十年代怪诞喜剧色调的音乐剧。

8.I tell you frankly that I consider yours is the greatest musical talent to which Russia can look forward.我坦白地告诉你,我认为你具有俄罗斯可以期待的最伟大的音乐天赋。

9.Ashanti began to sing in a gospel choir at the age of 6. As she grew, her musical talent developed and with it, appearances followed.亚香缇在6岁时就开始在一个福音唱诗班演唱,随着年龄的增长,她的音乐才能得以发展,而她上台演出的机会也随之而来。

10.These pieces burst upon the London scene with an explosive vitapty comparable to that of the American musical comedies of recent years.这些篇章以崭新的活力闯入伦敦文坛,其气势有如近年的美国音乐喜剧。