

musk deer

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n.1.a small mountain-dwelpng deer, the male of which lacks antlers and possesses long canine teeth.

1.麝 驯鹿 reindeer,caribou musk deer 猿 ape ...

2.麝香鹿 musk cat 麝香猫(灵猫) musk deer 麝香鹿 musk rose 麝香蔷薇 ...

3.麝鹿 (deer) 鹿科 (musk deer) 麝科 (bats) 翼手目 ...

5.香獐亦名麝 敕勒: chìlè (1)动物名[ musk deer] (1)书写;题署[ inscribe] ...

7.香麝 hog deer 豚鹿 musk deer 麝, 香麝 red deer 麋 ...


1.When shown a picture of a musk deer, people are sure to be taken aback for a moment.当人们看到麝香鹿的图片时,必定会在刹那间吓一大跳。

2.Protecting musk deer is therefore important from both a commercial perspective and a conservation perspective, he says.从商业观点和保护观点两方面来看,保护麝都是非常重要的,他说。

3.I run as a musk- deer runs in the shadow of the forest mad with his own perfume .我像麝鹿一样在林荫中奔走,为着自己的香气而发狂。

4.Female musk deer and perfume makers apke find the scent to be irresistible.不管是雌性麝香鹿或是香水制造商对这种气味都同样难以抗拒。

5.But as human populations swell across Asia, demand for musk is increasing while available habitat for musk deer is decreasing.伴随着亚洲人口的增长,对麝的需求也在增长,但适宜麝成长的环境却在不断减少。

6.Looper's crouching, animals hibernate, musk deer off navel Nam display wounds are ways to protect themselves.尺蠖的蜷缩,动物的冬眠,麝的断脐,蚺的显示创伤,都是保护自己的办法。

7.This high-altitude landscape of snow and rock is home to the snow leopard, musk deer, and red panda.这个积雪和岩石的高山是雪豹,麋鹿和红熊猫的家园。

8.Zhou Lin and inter-mountain lake on the Pan Yang, bears, musk deer, wolves, Ma chicken, grouse and other wild animals number many.湖周林间和山峦上盘羊,熊、麝、狼、马鸡、松鸡等野生动物数量繁多。

9.The balance consists of other grasses and occasional small rodents or musk deer fawns.也吃其他的草类和偶尔吃小啮齿类动物或小麝鹿仔以组成食物平衡。

10.Others: mist of, mosquito repellent, forest, flousiana musk deer tea, Cypress, cinnamon, mint, Salvia, white tatarinowii, SOAP, pine.其它:雾气、蚊香、森林、杉麝茶、桧、桂皮、薄荷、鼠尾草、白檀、肥皂、松。