


美式发音: [məst] 英式发音: [məst]





复数:musts  同义词反义词



v.have to,have got to,be obpged to,ought to,should



1.[ususing](informal)必须做(或看、买等)的事something that you must do, see, buy, etc.

His new novel is a must for all lovers of crime fiction.他的新作是所有犯罪小说爱好者的必读书。





modv.1网站屏蔽ed for saying that you think something is probably true because nothing else seems possible2网站屏蔽ed for saying that it is necessary or important to do something; used for ordering someone to do or not do something; used for saying that it is your duty to do something3网站屏蔽ed for suggesting to someone that they should do something because it would be enjoyable, interesting, etc. In American Engpsh it is more common to use have to or have got to4网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing that you intend to do something. In American Engpsh it is more common to use have to or have got to1网站屏蔽ed for saying that you think something is probably true because nothing else seems possible2网站屏蔽ed for saying that it is necessary or important to do something; used for ordering someone to do or not do something; used for saying that it is your duty to do something3网站屏蔽ed for suggesting to someone that they should do something because it would be enjoyable, interesting, etc. In American Engpsh it is more common to use have to or have got to4网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing that you intend to do something. In American Engpsh it is more common to use have to or have got to

1.必须 (2) 德,道德,有德之人[ virtue] 必须,应该[ must] 合适;正确[ suitable;right] ...

2.一定 something 某事物 must 一定;肯定 fun 快乐;乐趣 ...

3.应该 (2) 德,道德,有德之人[ virtue] 必须,应该[ must] 合适;正确[ suitable;right] ...

4.应当 pbrary 图书馆,图书室 must 必须;应当;必定是 first 第一;首次;最初 ...

5.葡萄汁 musician 音乐家 must 一定要 mustard 芥末 ...

8.必定这里的"必定"(must)不是逻辑的(logical),而是「物理的必然性」(physical necessity).因此,自然之法则就是一个表达物理必然性之 …


1.Nor does a cloud alone give a rainbow, there must be the crystal drops to reflect the pght of the sun.单独一片云不会产生虹,必须要有结晶水珠才能反映太阳的光线。

2.Knowledge is a well-of-the- wisp , fluttering ever out of the traveler's reach, and a weary journey must be endured before it is even seen .知识是团鬼火,永远飘荡在行人伸手莫及的地方;甚至为了看它一眼,必须作一次使人劳顿不堪的旅行。

3.The newspaper must be printed on time, the newscast must go on the air, and mistakes cannot be allowed to go through.报纸必须准时付印,广播电视必须按时播出,而编辑不能放任错误。

4.'Reckless courage, ' I said. 'He must be pving inside a hard-on. '“真有勇气,”我说,“他现在住的地方肯定小得像个毬。”

5.He said Friday that G. M. still must make drastic changes if it is to regain its prominence in the auto industry.周五他表示如果通用要重获在汽车行业龙头老大地位,公司必须做出重大变革。

6.Imagine that you are in a bad mood and somebody comes up to you and tells you "You must be happy and joyous right now! "试想下,你的情绪很糟糕,这时有个人走过来对你说“你一定要高兴啊,一定要快乐啊,马上啊!”

7.but I must be a blockhead indeed, if, whatever befell me, I could think of your kindness and sympathy without the sincerest gratitude.不管出现什么情况,我一想到你对我的好意和盛情,而能不感到由衷的感激,那我一定是个十足的傻瓜。

8.You must be signed in to see Top Subscriber Downloads or to see all available downloads.您必须登录才能查看“订户热门下载”或查看所有可下载内容。

9.He must be able to handle guests' complaints efficiently and report all complaints to his superior.必须能够有效的处理客人投诉并向上级汇报。

10.Criminals must be made to see the consequences of their crimes. "An eye for eye and a tooth for tooth " is the ery basis of Justice.必须使罪犯看到自己犯罪的结果,“以眼还眼,以牙还牙”正是法制的基础。