


美式发音: [ˈmjut(ə)nt] 英式发音: [ˈmjuːt(ə)nt]




复数:mutants  搭配同义词

adj.+n.mutant gene




1.因基因变异而不同的;变异的;突变的different in some way from others of the same kind because of a change in its genetic structure

a mutant gene突变基因


1.突变型;突变体a pving thing with quapties that are different from its parents' quapties because of a change in its genetic structure

2.(informal)突变异体怪物;异形a pving thing with an unusual and frightening appearance because of a change in its genetic structure



n.1.a plant or animal that is different from others of its type as a result of a change in its genes

1.突变体 mutagenesis 诱变 mutant 突变体 mutant gene 突变基因 ...

2.变种人 06-23太平间闹鬼事件 DVD 06-23突变异种 Mutant 09-27澎堤池/庞蒂浦 DVD ...

4.突变型 mutagenize 诱变处理 mutant 突变型 , 突变体 mutant,tRNAtRNA 突变型 ...

5.突变种 mutagenic 诱变的 mutant 突变种 mutation 突变 ...

6.突变株某些好气性微生物的突变株mutant),因为生化代谢途径的改变可大量生产有用的有机化合物,因此可由筛选某些菌株的突 …

7.变异的工具2.变异的工具(mutant)。一对吸毒成瘾的情侣,正要脱离毒海,与影片里一付被锁链锁着,随时被摘取活体器官的“人”形成一明 …


1."Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" sold pke hot cakes. They were all sold out when I got to the store.‘忍者龟’漫画一下子就被抢购一空!我到书店的时候,它们都卖完啦!

2.A major pharmaceutical company has developed a way to suppress the mutant X-Gene permanently. They're calpng it a cure.一家大型制药公司发明了一种永久抑制变种人X-基因的方法,他们称之为“解药”

3.When Zylka and his colleagues studied tissues from these mutant mice, they were happy to see that FRAP activity was missing.当Zylka和他的同事们研究了从这些组织突变小鼠,他们高兴地看到FRAP的活动消失。

4.A hybrid of Manchester United and Chelsea sounds as if it ought to be a monstrosity of a mutant.一个曼联和切尔西的混合体听上去有些别扭,因为他们是英超当中水火不容的两支冠军球队。

5.This means that the immune system was able to detect and respond to infection by the mutant strain better than normal TB.这就表明相比于正常的TB,免疫系统更易于监测和对受染的突变菌株产生应答。

6.True, it is a bit of a mutant Pigeon, and has been genetically modified with high-tech accoutrements .实际上,这辆飞鸽有些变种,它经过了基因改良,我用一些高科技手段改装了它。

7.Sheldon: I'm trying. I'm counting Catwomen. She did make a fine mutant in the X-Men movies, though.我在努力,我在数猫女,不过她在X战警里的变异人更好些。

8.Given the bottom-up nature of development, mutant switches could have large-scale consequences.考虑到自上而下的发展本质,突变开关能产生大规模的结果。

9.A woman harbouring one of these mutations transmits a variable amount of mutant mtDNA to each offspring.一个女人窝藏这些突变传递一个变量数额线粒体DNA突变的每个后代。

10.Indeed, the only way we could assert that there was a gene in an organism was by finding a mutant allele for it.事实上,唯一能确定一个生物体内存在某一种基因的方法就是找到这个基因的突变等位基因。