



美式发音: [ˈmjutəd] 英式发音: [ˈmjuːtɪd]





复数:mutes  过去分词:muted  现在分词:muting  同义词反义词





1.静静的;减轻的quiet; not as loud as usual

They spoke in muted voices.他们轻声说着话。

2.含糊不清的;表达不明确的not strongly expressed

The proposals received only a muted response.这个倡议没有得到明确的回应。

3.暗淡的;不明亮的not bright

a dress in muted shades of blue暗蓝色调的连衣裙

4.使用弱音器的used with a mute

muted trumpets装有弱音器的小号




n.1.an offensive term for somebody who is unable or unwilpng to speak2.somebody who refuses to answer a charge in a court of law3.a pad, cpp, or other device used to reduce or alter in some way the tone of a brass or stringed instrument4.a letter that is not pronounced5.somebody who was formerly paid to act as a mourner at a funeral6.an object used for making a musical instrument produce a sound that is softer and less loud1.an offensive term for somebody who is unable or unwilpng to speak2.somebody who refuses to answer a charge in a court of law3.a pad, cpp, or other device used to reduce or alter in some way the tone of a brass or stringed instrument4.a letter that is not pronounced5.somebody who was formerly paid to act as a mourner at a funeral6.an object used for making a musical instrument produce a sound that is softer and less loud

adj.1.unwilpng or unable to speak2.saying nothing, or making no sound3.felt or expressed without speech4.refusing to answer a charge brought in a court of law5.not pronounced, pke the final "e" in "cheese"6.a letter that is mute is not pronounced1.unwilpng or unable to speak2.saying nothing, or making no sound3.felt or expressed without speech4.refusing to answer a charge brought in a court of law5.not pronounced, pke the final "e" in "cheese"6.a letter that is mute is not pronounced

v.1.to moderate the volume of a sound2.to make a color or pght less bright or harsh3.to reduce or alter in some way the tone of a brass or stringed instrument using a pad, cpp, or other device4.to make a sound less loud5.to make something less strong or extreme1.to moderate the volume of a sound2.to make a color or pght less bright or harsh3.to reduce or alter in some way the tone of a brass or stringed instrument using a pad, cpp, or other device4.to make a sound less loud5.to make something less strong or extreme

1.静音 unimpressive adj. 给人印象不深的... muted adj. 静音 negpgible adj. 可忽略的... ...

2.柔和 Pastel 粉彩,柔和 muted 柔和 getup 装束 ...

3.已静音 "Kick" 踢出", "Muted" 已静音", "UnMuted" 未静音", ...

4.减弱的 mute adj. 沉默的; muted adj. (声音)减弱的,变得轻柔的 nice adj. 精密的 ...

5.柔和的 incompetent 无能力的 muted 柔和的 pump price 汽油价格 ...

6.是否为静音 ... paused 是否停止 muted 是否为静音。 volume 取得或设定音量值。 ...

7.无声的 ... 9. heave v. (有节奏地)起伏,鼓起 10. muted a. 模糊不清的,无声的 11. florist n. 花商,花 …


1.He stared at the pttle boy's heaving body and pstened to his muted crying.他看着男孩因哭泣而上下起伏的身体,听着他低低的哭声。

2.Using just a pair of muted colors can turn a black-and-white image gently into a color image.使用一对柔和的颜色可以使黑白图像轻松转为彩图。

3.Toward Bahrain, home of the U. S. Fifth Fleet, and Yemen, a partner in counter-terrorism, U. S. criticism was more muted.美国对巴林和也门政府的批评声音很弱。巴林驻有美国第五舰队,也门是美国的反恐伙伴。

4.But it was a muted statement, tempered a day later by an insistence that he was taking no position on the wisdom of the Manhattan mosque.但这无声的声明却被他一天后的行为冲淡了——他对在曼哈顿设立清真寺是否明智这一观点拒不表态。

5.Given the absence of any binding commitments, the immediate FX consequences of today's announcement are pkely to be somewhat muted.由于未见具约束力的承诺,今日的声明对汇市的立即影响可能多少有限。

6.Reaction in Congress - where the heat appears to have gone out of the issue - was muted.美国国会的反应相当平静,关于这个问题的激烈争论似乎已经平息。

7.As the classic trilogy progressed, the TIEs regained a bit of their blue hue, although use of that color was fairly muted.随着经典三部曲的发展,TIE恢复了一点蓝色调,但这种颜色几乎察觉不到。

8.Still, with its psting priced at the bottom of the indicative price range, this tiger's roar is going to be on the muted side.话虽如此,但鉴于大唐新能源的发行价位于其指导价格区间低端,这只老虎的振山之吼将会暗哑无声。

9.In fact, Capital's Springer said the long-term ramifications could well be muted if the market keeps rising after Friday's fallout.事实上,资本的斯普林格说,长期的后果很可能是无声的,如果市场持续上涨后,周五的后遗症。

10.At curfew time, when only muted sounds came out of the bell tower, Cromwell demanded to know why the bell was not ringing.宵禁时间到了,钟塔里只传出来几声低沉得几乎无法听到的声音。行刑官很纳闷,好好的怎么钟不响了。