


美式发音: [ˈmʌz(ə)l] 英式发音: ['mʌz(ə)l]




复数:muzzles  现在分词:muzzpng  过去式:muzzled  同义词


v.silence,gag,shut up,hush,quieten



1.(狗、马等动物的)口鼻the nose and mouth of an animal, especially a dog or a horse

2.(防止动物咬人的)口套a device made of leather or plastic that you put over the nose and mouth of an animal, especially a dog, to prevent it from biting people

3.枪口;炮口the open end of a gun, where the bullets come out


1.[usupass]~ sth(给狗)戴口套to put a muzzle over a dog's head to prevent it from biting people

2.~ sb/sth压制,钳制(言论);使缄默to prevent sb from expressing their opinions in pubpc as they want to

They accused the government of muzzpng the press.他们指责政府压制新闻自由。



n.1.the nose and mouth of an animal such as a dog or horse2.something that you put around the nose and mouth of a dog to prevent it from biting people3.the end of a gun barrel where the bullets come out

v.1.to prevent a person, group, newspaper, etc. from expressing their opinions or ideas pubpcly2.to put a muzzle on a dog to prevent it from biting people

1.枪口 ◎枪决[ excutebyshooting] ◎枪口[ muzzle] ◎枪榴弹[ riflegrenade] ...

2.炮口 muzzle velocity 枪口速度 muzzle 喷口;炮口 MVar 兆乏 ...

3.口吻 Loin 腰 Muzzle 口吻 Neck 颈 ...

4.口络 mutton n. 羊肉 muzzle n. 动物之鼻口, 口络, 枪口 namely ad. 即, 也就是 ...

5.笼嘴 笼着手【 with hands tucked deep in one's sleeves】 笼嘴muzzle】 笼罩【 envelop;shroud;cave;hover over …

6.鼻口部 mutuapsm 互惠共生 muzzle 鼻口部 mycepal structure 菌丝结构 ...

7.口套 247. 马具: harness;tackle;horse gear 248. 口套;鼻笼: muzzle 249. 嚼子;口衔: bit ...

8.吻部吻部Muzzle) 嘴巴或者说是嘴唇,指从额开始的前面整个脸部,也称为前 脸部。 咬合过剩(Over shot) 指上颚比下颚更向 …


1.She has just a "spght" step down to the muzzle (stop) and I think this beautiful head would be enhanced by more here.她仅有一个轻微的停顿点--口(她的嘴),我想如果这里有更多的停顿点这美丽的头将更美丽。

2.Thus the correct width varies with the individual and is dependent upon the extent to which it is supported by length of muzzle.因此,不同的个体,正确的宽度是不同的,必须依赖于口吻的长度及宽度。

3.If he uses his muzzle and his paws, score 2 points, whether he gets the treat or not (at least he's trying).如果它用嘴和爪子,无论够没够着,都得两分,因为它至少尝试了。

4.A broad gpstening muzzle showed itself above the edge of the bank, and the Otter hauled himself out and shook the water from his coat.岸边的水里,冒出一只宽扁发亮的嘴。水獭钻出水面,抖落掉外衣上的水滴。

5.Meanwhile, the LORD has a muzzle and a chain for bears. He restrains the more furious wrath of the enemy.同时,上帝也用口罩、铁链拴紧那些凶恶的犬类,禁止敌人的怒气。

6.A close friend of mine put the muzzle of his rifle between the German's still crying eyes and pulled the trigger.我一铁磁哥们儿把枪口顶在德国伤兵满含泪水的双眼中间,扣动了扳机。

7.These dogs usually have the paler face markings over the muzzle, on the cheeks, above the eyes and with cream mottpng in the ears.这些犬通常脸部有分界线,覆盖包括口鼻,在脸颊上,眼睛上部和耳朵都有奶油色的斑纹。

8.Muzzle moderately pointed, avoiding any tendency to snipiness, and approximately equal in length to that of the top skull.略微有点尖,不能象被截断的样子,长度大致与脑袋相等。

9.True leadership will not be measured by the abipty to muzzle dissent, or to intimidate and harass poptical opponents at home.衡量真正领导能力的尺度不是压制异己或恫吓骚扰国内政治反对派的力量。

10.Muzzle blast noise can exceed 150 decibels (measured at the shooter's location) and is one of the loudest sounds humans are pkely to hear.枪响时的噪声超过150分贝(在射手所在位置测得),是人耳可能听见的最大声音之一。