


美式发音: [ʌnˈʃʊr] 英式发音: [ʌnˈʃʊə(r)]








1.无把握;不确知;犹豫not certain of sth; having doubts

There were a lot of things I was unsure about.有许多事情我没把握。

I was unsure how to reply to this question.我拿不准该如何回答这个问题。

He was unsure of what to do next.他对下一步该做什么犹豫不定。

They were unsure as to what the next move should be.下一步该做什么他们心里没底。

2.~ (of yourself)缺乏自信lacking confidence in yourself

Like many women, deep down she was unsure of herself.和许多女性一样,她内心深处缺乏自信。


adj.1.not certain about something

1.不确定 unconscious 不知道的,无意识的; unsure 不确定; yet 还,仍旧; ...

2.不确定的 sync n. 同时;同步 unsure adj. 没有自信的, 不肯定的, 不确定的 settles n. 有背的长凳 ...

3.不肯定的 sync n. 同时;同步 unsure adj. 没有自信的, 不肯定的, 不确定的 settles n. 有背的长凳 ...

4.缺乏信心的 unsulped 未受污染的 unsure 缺乏信心的 unsymmetrical 不对称的 ...

5.无把握 ... 解惑〖 dispel(remove)doubts〗 无把握unsure〗 无保留〖 unreserve;withoutreservation;uncondi…

6.无把握的 ... be unsure of 对……不确信 unsure adj. 缺乏信心的, 无把握的 be sure of 对……确信 ...

7.无法确定 ... 15.To Hint 暗示 1.Sure,Unsure 确定,无法确定 2.Reconsideration 重新考试 ...

8.不自信 (down 不举), (unsure 不自信) (noticed 发现 注意) ...


1.She was a dyke, she said repeatedly, stabbing her finger to her chest in case anyone was unsure to whom she was referring.我是同性恋,她反复地说,把手指戳向自己的胸前,生怕别人不知道她说的是谁。

2.Dole and I had a good talk, but I left the meeting unsure of what our relationship, or his agenda, would be.我和多尔的交谈进行得不错,但会面结束后我离开时,我对我们的关系并不确定,也不清楚他的目的是什么。

3.Lizette napped for a while and woke completely rested, though a pttle unsure what had and had not been a dream.莉莎特小睡了一会儿,完全休息好了之后才醒过来,然而有点不确定发生的一切是不是梦境。

4.The winger has two years remaining on his contract and, a few months ago, was unsure whether he would prosper under the Portuguese.这位边锋里合同到期还有两年,几个月之前,他还并不清楚自己在葡萄牙人穆里尼奥手下能否锋芒毕露。

5.Wayne Bridge has set his stall out to be a regular starter in the new season, but is unsure of his long-term future.维恩。布里奇已经为新赛季能够首发打的上比赛提出勒转会申请,的未来却不太明朗。

6.I still felt unsure if I would be able to without breaking down into tears.我仍然不确定我是否能够控制住不泪如雨下。

7.That may be so but the CSRC remains cautious on hedge funds, unsure as to quite how much risk they pose.情况也许会是这样,但证监会对对冲基金仍持谨慎态度,不确定它们会造成多大的风险。

8.Once I got to the Colony Club and parked, I was unsure if I was in the right parking area.终于,我到了殖民地俱乐部并停了车,但是我不确定我是否停在正确的位置。

9.If you are still unsure, I can take a look at it for you.如果你仍然不能确定,我可以带一个你看它。

10.You can make sure you know a man well by dating him on weekends and vacations. If he's unsure about committing, DUMP him. No excuses.一般来说和一个男人交往一个周末就能知道他是什么货色。如果他连兑现承诺都思前顾后,别客气,蹬飞他。