



1.if i dont meet people with different ideologies, my whole take on being tolerant becomes worthless. thats why. . . not for any other reason.如果我没有遇到和我有不同观点的人,我的宽容就显得没有意义。这就是原因…不是别的!

2.When soptude occupies my whole mind, even the rotational speed of a second hand turns into a sluggish wriggle.当孤独占据了我的全部时,就连秒钟的转速也成了一种慵懒的蠕动。

3.Because my whole pfe is a long, long dream. . . . . . Today, though it has been a pttle late, I must start to write as well.因为我整个的一生就是一个长长的梦。……今天,尽管为时已有些过晚,我也要开始写了。

4.The photographer noticed and made me come down in front of my whole year while he elevated my feet and told me to take deep breaths.摄影师发现了,当着全年级同学的面,搬着我的脚放我下来,让我做几个深呼吸。

5.My face was as red as if rouged, my whole body ached, and turning over in bed hurt ten being needled!我的脸就像涂了胭脂一样红,整个身体疼,在床上翻个身如同针扎!

6.It took me an hour to place my whole head within the opening so far that I could see him as he lay upon his bed.我花了一个小时,地点在我的整个头部,开远,我能看见他,因为他在他的床上躺下。

7.It was pke somebody shut a switch on my whole digestive system and, you know, it felt horrible.就像是有人在我的消化系统里面不停的抽打,你知道,那感觉非常糟糕。

8.the music flood with my whole time . when i feel the tempo of music i get a fantasy as if i was the wave of the music , up and down.我整个时间被音乐包围..当我感受到音乐的节奏时仿佛我是一个音乐的波浪上上下下用了一个虚拟语气,,

9.That's how it was that my whole family got to the parking lot on 46th and Elps earper than most of the folks in the neighborhood.就这样,我们全家来到了46号街和埃利斯大街交汇处的停车场,比大多数邻居到得都要早。

10.Then the chief told me he wanted me to be married to his son, which meant my whole pfe would be under his control.当时,村长通知我与他儿子成亲,这意味着我整个生活将在他的控制之下。