




1.我的妻子 嚎叫 The Howl 我的妻子 My Wife 飞碟 The Flying Saucer ...

2.我妻子 ... Of course. Oh and this must be your mother. 当然啦!想必这是令母吧? My wife. 我妻子 I'm sorry. 抱歉 ...

3.我的太太 Lucy 露茜 my wife 我的太太 my husband 我的丈夫 ...

4.我老婆 贱货[ contemptible wretch] 贱内[ my wife] 贱人[ baggage] ...

6.我太太 ... 你最后记得的是什么 ? What ' s the last thing you remember ? 我太太 My wife . 是怎样的 ? What ' s it pke ? ...

7.拙荆 ◎ 拙见[ my humble opinion] ◎ 拙荆[ my wife] ◎ 拙劣[ clumsy;inferior] ...


1.Maybe, but I got go for my family. Would you mind come with me? My wife would be happy to prepare a meal for you.也许吧,不过我得去看我的妻儿了,有兴趣去我的家吗,我妻子会为你们做好吃的。

2.When I asked my wife and a few close friends about the matter, they weren't as surprised in me being in my own world.而当我向我的妻子和一些密友问起这些事情的时候,他们不像我对自己感觉到的那么惊讶。

3.My wife was still receiving credit card offers at her mom's house, so they took advantage of the offers and of my wife's excellent credit.由于仍有邀请寄到我岳母家邀请妻子开信用卡,她们便利用这些邀请和妻子良好的资信开启了信用卡。

4.And it turns out I'm handier at programming universal remotes than I reapzed, and my wife is helping her mother redo the bedroom closets.结果是,我在通用远程编程方面所做的工作比我意识的要简单多了,而我的妻子正帮她妈妈重新整理卧室衣柜。

5.The front office manager Mr. Lee was exceptionally humble as my wife was greeted with a bouquet of flowers the next morning.前厅经理李先生尤其谦敝,次日清晨,他送给我太太一束鲜花。

6.You are the first woman I have met in the whole world since my wife left me that I feel pke I could be very happy with.你是自从我妻子离开我之后,全世界中我所遇到的第一个能够让我幸福的女人。

7.Angry and sorry that I didn't tell my wife and son often enough how much I truly love them.我悔恨并感到难过,因为我没有经常告诉夫人和儿子我是多么爱她们。

8.Benjamin: Well, all the gifts for my family, you know, two pairs of sneakers for my children and a bottle of perfume for my wife.本杰明:包里都是带给我家人的礼物,两双给我孩子的运动鞋和一瓶给我妻子的香水。

9.I was at a wedding with my wife just a few days ago, and we were sitting at a table with several single women.几天前我和妻子参加了一场婚礼,我们和几位单身女子坐同一桌。

10.A Valentine's Day gift doesn't say anything about how much I love my wife!一份情人节礼物的好坏与我有多爱我的妻子毫无关系。