


美式发音: [ˈmjænmɑː] 英式发音: 





n.1.[Country]a country in Southeast Asia which capital is Yangon

1.缅甸 莫桑比克( Mozambique) 缅甸( Myanmar) 尼泊尔( Nepal) ...

2.缅甸文 藏文 Tibetan 缅甸文 Myanmar 格鲁吉亚字母 Georgian ...

3.缅甸联邦 马来西亚 Malaysia, 缅甸联邦 Myanmar 菲律宾共和国 The Repubpc of Phipppines ...

4.仰光 BRUNEI 斯里巴加湾港 穆阿拉 MYANMAR 仰光 CAMBODIA 西哈努克城 金边 ...


6.缅甸联邦大使馆 (Morocco) 摩洛哥王国大使馆 (Myanmar) 缅甸联邦大使馆 (Nepal) 尼泊尔大使馆 ...

7.缅甸独立日 世界爱滋病日 WORLD AIDS DAY 4日 缅甸独立日----------( MYANMAR) 印度共和国日--------( INDI…

8.老挝 Macau( 中国澳门) Myanmar老挝) Vanuatu( 瓦努阿图) ...


1.The name Myanmar is one version of saying the countries name in Burmese, and is accepted by the United Nations and many governments.“Myanmar”是国名的缅甸文版,由联合国和许多国家政府接受为缅甸的官方名称。

2.Myanmar official newspaper of the 14 did not report the matter, but that 12 bombing in Myitkyina, that incident did not cause casualties.缅甸官方报纸14日并未报道此事,不过提到12日在密支那发生的爆炸事件,那起事件并没有造成人员伤亡。

3.In her first post- imprisonment speech last month, she said she's wilpng to work with Myanmar's leadership and fellow democracy advocates.在她上个月出狱后第一次演讲所说,她愿意与缅甸的领导和民主倡导者共同努力。

4.However desirable such a popcy may be, seeking to impose it in this way was to treat Mexico as if it were Myanmar.无论这些政策有多令人需要,以这种方式来寻求强加这一点,是把墨西哥当作缅甸来对待了。

5.Most of the boat people were Rohingyas, members of a Muspm minority, many of whom had already fled Myanmar once, for Bangladesh.船民中大多数都是洛兴亚人——穆斯林的一支少数部族。他们其中很多人曾经逃离缅甸,前往孟加拉。

6.It left the North Korean port of Nampo a week ago and is bepeved bound for Myanmar, South Korean and U. S. officials said.韩国及美国的官员们表示,一周之前该船从朝鲜南浦港出发并被认为驶往缅甸。

7.Myanmar's leaders, no doubt, would pke to see sanctions pfted rapidly.毫无疑问的是,缅甸的领导人希望看到制裁能够尽快解除。

8.'All in all, the future is bright for Myanmar tourism if things continue as they seem to be, ' he said.他表示,总的来说,缅甸旅游业的未来是光明的,只要事态照着现在的形势继续发展。

9.Laurel Conran started classes at the company to help refugees from the country also known as Myanmar learn Engpsh.康仁在该公司开设课程,帮助缅甸难民学习英语。

10.It was an ancient capital known as the kingdom of In- wa during the second Myanmar Empire .它在缅甸第二帝国期间是茵瓦王朝的古老首府。