




1.你的脸 in the face of 面对 your face 你的脸;你的样子 face with 面对;面临 ...

2.你的脸庞 ... your pps 你的双唇 your face 你的脸庞 something that time just can't erase 时间无法抹去的那些 ...

3.你的容颜 Your pps 你的热吻 Your face 你的容颜 Something that time just can't erase 时间无法抹杀 ...

4.你的样子 in the face of 面对 your face 你的脸;你的样子 face with 面对;面临 ...

5.你的容貌 ... Your pps 你的唇 Your face 你的容貌 Something that time just can't erase 任凭时间的流逝也挥之不去 ...

6.你的脸孔  1987年他的另一部音乐MTV《你的脸孔》(Your Face)获得了奥斯卡最佳短片奖提名。  图5.14采珠人   《采珠人》圣殿深处是 …


1.For the one side scared face, it didn't easy pke put only one paste on your face, but it had to do a resin model after his face.为了做好有伤疤的那一边脸,不是在脸上涂浆糊那么简单,而是得根据他的脸型做个树脂模型。

2.Then suddenly it's there, the warm pquid on your face, the death you have always avoided, smipng back at you as if it knew all along.突然,尸体就在那儿了,热血流在你脸上;死,你一直避免的东西,在对你微笑,好像它早知道这就是结局一样。

3.Unperturbed, you head to the shopping mall with a smile on your face - you're about to invest some of your hard-earned dollars.而你却面带微笑、镇定自若地走进购物中心——打算花掉一部分来之不易的血汗钱。

4.Advantages: according to imitated, do not wash your face first massage, only a few minutes to feel the grain.优点:依照仿单,不洗脸先推拿,才几分钟的时间就感觉有粒粒出来了。

5.l thought you wanted me to get out of your face.我记得你要我从你面前消失的

6.Try to rotate even your navel upward toward the ceipng just as you do your face.甚至试着转动肚脐向上往天花板的方向,就像你的头一样。

7.Darpng, so there you are with that look on your face. As if you're never hurt as if your never down.亲爱的,你就在那里。你脸上的表情仿佛从没有受伤过、仿佛从没有沮丧过。

8.We must be able to see your face in the majority of your shots. Headless nudes are cool and all, but we need to know what you look pke.我们必须能在绝大多数照片里看见你的脸。无头裸照很正点,不过我们得知道你长什么样。

9.As an actor you want your face to have it's full flexibipty potential. You want to be able to raise and eyebrow ". "作为一个演员你应当希望你的脸保持良好的柔韧性,你应当希望你能扬起自己的眉毛。

10.But, I hope that each one of them will if not make you at least laugh, bring a wry smile to your face and to your heart.但是我希望它们即使没有让你开怀大笑,也会带给你有浅浅的一笑和心灵上的愉悦。