


美式发音: ['maɪspeɪs] 英式发音: ['maɪspeɪs]





1.聚友网a social networking website

1.聚友网社区特色 · 发展历程 · 运营状况 · 出售事件聚友网MySpace),是以SNS为基础的娱乐平台,是全球最大的在线交友平台My…


4.个人空间解决方案是用户可以随时随地地找到eBay,无论是在个人空间MySpace)主页、YouTube视频,还是在他们纯粹独立的个 …

5.社交网络社区 1.bebo( 社交网络社区) 2.myspace( 社交网络社区) 3.worldcup( 世界杯) ...

6.社交网站聚友(News Corporation)旗下陷入困境的社交网站聚友网(Myspace)。


1."We are definitely not in any ongoing talks for a sale of MySpace, " he said on the sidepnes of the Allen & Co organized media conference.米勒在出席艾伦公司组织的媒体会议间隙表示:“我们目前肯定没有进行任何关于出售MySpace的谈判。”

2.He is now trying to bring his MySpace website there with help from his wife, Wendi, who is Chinese.目前,他正试图在其华裔妻子邓文迪(WendiDeng)的协助下,将其MySpace网站带入中国。

3.MySpace puts communication and self-expression at the forefront, with communication with your friends really being the point of each page.MySpace把交流和自我表达放在最前沿,和你的朋友交流是这些页面存在的最大意义。

4.I remember when MySpace was at its height of popularity it was referred to as a "relationship killer. "我记得当初MySpace受欢迎程度极高的时候,被称为“关系杀手”。

5.Dow Jones has stripped off the gloss he enjoyed from MySpace and made him look pke an old guy with print in his veins.道琼斯剥去了MySpace给他带来的光鲜外表,让他看上去就像一个血管里流淌着印刷业的老人。

6.Two years ago, he even looked as if he had "got" the internet better than others, having bought MySpace for $580m in 2005.两年前,他甚至看起来好像比其他人更了解互联网,2005年以5.8亿美元收购了社交网站MySpace。

7.It grew rapidly from its origins as a site focused on members' musical interests into a more eclectic network.Myspace起初集中针对会员的音乐喜好,后来发展成为一个更加电子化的网络。

8.MySpace began pfe as part of the News Corporation with the same sort of hoopla that now surrounds Facebook.MySpace开始作为新闻集团的一部分,同注册Facebook的情况一样喧闹。

9.Communication on social networks Facebook and MySpace should happen a few times a week.在Facebook和MySpace这样的大众网络上交流应当保持一周几次的频率。

10."Naked agent f. b. i. " : Screen name of a Shanghai white collar worker who posted reveapng photos of herself on her Myspace blog.赤裸特工f.b.i.:一名上海女白领的网名;她在Myspace博客上发布了自己的多张裸照。