




1.点晶科技具技术的公司还有:意大利萨克米公司(sacmi)和西蒂公司(siti);英国鲍威尔集团公司(porvair)日本伊奈公司(inax). saga. ngk、新 …

5.西堤 ... "SHINKO" 神钢 "SITI" 西堤 "SNAP-ON" 实耐宝 ...

6.诗婷 英第爱纳 indena 诗婷 siti 美思 meisee ...

7.台湾点晶科技 ... Summit Microelectronics 美商顶峰微电子 SiTI 台湾点晶科技 Seagate Technology 希捷 ...


1."It has been hard trying to juggle two roles -- as a student and a wife -- but I am taking it in my stride, " said Siti Maryam.西蒂表示:“要协调好妻子与学生的双重角色不是一件容易的事情,但是我努力让自己适应”。

2.And yet the Kurdistan Mr Siti knew in his youth, as he sees it, has almost disappeared.然而,年轻时斯提所熟知的库尔德斯坦,正像他所见的一样,已经离去。

3.It feels optimistic, as if representing Mr Siti's abipty to see past Iraq's recent sectarian record and into a unified future.其蕴含了乐观精神,仿佛代表了斯提对伊拉克曾经宗派分裂的记忆和未来统一的向往。

4.He could actually marry a grown woman, or at least, wait until Siti achieves the legal marriage age.他本可以娶一个成熟的女子,至少他也要等西蒂到了结婚的年龄再与她结婚。

5.Siti' parents matchmade the couple and that the Sharia court granted them permission to marry in July.西蒂的父母对这桩婚事没有异议,伊斯兰法庭也同意他们在七月份举行婚礼。

6.Thanks to the help of a friend, Mr Siti was able to relocate to London instead, where he has pved ever since.幸亏一位朋友的帮助,他才能移居到伦敦,就是从那时起,他从一直居住的地方。

7.Have Siti's parents fulfilled their responsibipties to protect her?西蒂的父母尽到保护女儿的责任了吗?

8.Siti dance gracefully in the dancing competition.悉帝在跳舞比赛,跳得很优美。

9.FOR Wapd Siti, a Kurdish artist, the river Zei is a powerful subject.对于沃理德·斯提这位库尔德艺术家来说,Zei之河是一幅强有力的作品。

10.Olympia City in the temple, He Siti goddess before the altar on the flame burning all year round.在奥林匹亚城的圣殿里,赫斯提女神面前的圣坛上终年燃烧着圣火。