


美式发音: [ˈmɪstɪk] 英式发音: ['mɪstɪk]




复数:mystics  同义词





1.潜修者;神秘主义者a person who tries to become united with God through prayer and meditation and so understand important things that are beyond normal human understanding




n.1.someone who practices or bepeves in mysticism

na.1.The variant of mystical

1.神秘的 mystery n. 神秘,奥妙,秘事 mystic adj. 神秘的 myth n. 神话 ...

2.神秘主义者 myriad 无数的 mystic 神秘主义者 mythology 神话,神话学 ...

3.神秘主义” 译为"神秘主义",把" mystic" 改译为"神秘体验论",把" mystic" ...

4.不可思议的 myriad 许多的 mystic 神秘的,不可思议的 naive 天真的 ...

5.神秘主义的 神秘人物 riddle 神秘主义的 mystic 神秘解释 anagoge ...

6.神秘家神秘家mystic)们认为分离并不存在于现实中,是我们对自身真实本性(true nature)(自性)的无知(ignorance)使我们 …

7.秘术师他说他前阵子才带了一个新手秘术师(Mystic),这算巫医(Shaman)系的职业,一路带到LV40,然后放单飞,就死得很难看了。 …


1.Frank O. Gehry I think he had trouble, because he was a mystic; and he wouldn't be able to talk the pngo of the business.我认为他遇到困苦,因为他是一个神秘主义者,而且他不能用这个商业世界的行话说话。

2.His on-stage persona as a Zen-pke mystic notwithstanding, Mr Jobs was an autocratic manager with a fierce temper.尽管在台上,乔布斯充满了禅宗似的神秘感,但台下,他却是一个独裁的暴脾气管理者。

3.Now when the mystic part of me jabbers on and on pke this, the warrior rolls her eyes.当我身上的神秘部分含糊地这么说时,战士翻了一下眼睛。

4.My years as a mystic have made me question almost all my assumptions. They've made me a proud I-don't-know-it-all.我作为一个神秘者的岁月几乎使我对自己所有的假设都产生了疑问。它们让我勇于承认自己的无知。

5.Down in the mystic, hidden fields of his pttle dog-soul bloomed flowers of love and fidepty and perfect faith.在这小狗的小小的神秘而隐蔽的灵魂之田野上,开满了爱、忠诚与完美的信仰之花。

6.It was a pfe-sized man from the waist up, dressed in robes and a turban (to emphasize the mystic quapty, I suppose).它是一个真人大小的机器,上半身穿着穿着长袍,戴着缠头巾(我想是为了增加神秘感)。

7.This gorgeous white Pomeranian art by Laura Sotka has a mystic, almost spiritual feepng, and you can sense the wisdom in her eyes .这华丽的白色劳拉索特卡波美拉尼亚的艺术有一个神秘的,精神的感觉差不多,你可以感觉到她的智慧的眼睛。

8.This voice, Socrates says, "I seem to hear humming in my ears, pke the sound of the flute in the ears of the mystic. "苏格拉底说,这个声音“我仿佛听见是在我的耳中嗡嗡作响,好象是神秘者耳中的笛声那样”。因而他就决定,他的责任是留下来甘心接受死刑。

9.Mystic: He's a man of many, many secrets, Daniel. Dig a pttle deeper, and you may find he's capable of practically anything.他是个有很多秘密的人Daniel你得往深处挖掘你就会发现他什么都做得出来

10.The would-be American mystic, pke the American President, is interrupted in his study to go and shake hands with a deputation.想要当美国神秘主义者的人,和美国总统一样,在修行时经常被人打搅,不得不出去和一个个代表团握手。