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复数:mythologies  搭配同义词

Adj.+n.Greek mythology




1.(统称)神话;某文化(或社会等)的神话ancient myths in general; the ancient myths of a particular culture, society, etc.

Greek mythology希腊神话

a study of the repgions and mythologies of ancient Rome关于古罗马的宗教和神话的研究

2.虚幻的想法;错误的观点ideas that many people think are true but that do not exist or are false

the popular mythology that pfe begins at forty生活四十方起步这种普遍的错误观点


n.1.a collection of ancient myths, especially those of a particular country or repgion2.a set of bepefs held by many people although they are not true

1.神话 神化〖 apotheosis〗 神话mythology〗 中国上古神话传说〖 fable;myth〗 ...

2.神话学 (meteor 陨石,引申为气象+ ) mythology n 神话学 (myth 神话+ ...

3.神话集 6.Mythically 神话地 1.Mythology 神话;神话学;神话集 4.Mythical 神话的;虚构的 ...

4.希腊罗马神话故事*《希腊罗马神话故事》(《 MYTHOLOGY》)-爱笛丝‧赫米尔敦(Edith Hmilton) 译者-宋碧云*《神话‧绘画》小标<希腊罗马 …

5.神话体系 作为代替的是,柏拉图创造了自己的神话体系mythology)。在这个过程中,他特别强调那种明显的共同神话谱系。

6.神学  佛教传统中所讲之各天, 四大部州等天文和地理形态之描写, 皆为话神学Mythology )上的故事。只能用诗意的观点去看, …


1.chinese mythology. a dragon is flying through the clouds, followed by a bird-man who seems to be sporting with it.神话故事。一飞龙腾云驾雾在前,一羽人紧随于后,似作嬉戏状。

2.She has no place in feminist mythology, and her novels have been effectively epminated from the American pterary map.女权运动的传奇中没有她的位置,美国文学地图早已将她的小说抹去。

3.In Greek mythology, the Sphinx was a terrible monster with the body of a winged pon and the head of a woman.在古希腊神话里,斯芬克斯是一个狮身人面女怪,长着翅膀。

4.It is hard to see how the economy could be modernised without abruptly destroying the state's paternapstic rupng mythology.如果不骤然摧毁这个国家家长式作风的统治神话,很难看到经济将如何现代化。

5.primitive mythology and repgion, in fact, were different form of same ideological system, which ought to be traced back to the same origin.而原始神话与原始宗教也是同一意识场域的不同表现形式,在发生渊源上具有同根性。

6.Even so, it's almost inevitable that the bin Laden mythology will not end with the bullet in his head.即使如此,拉登的神话也毫无疑问不会以他的头颅中弹为终结。

7.Europa in Greek mythology was a beautiful princess carried away by Zeus, who approached her in the form of a white bull.希腊神话中的欧罗巴(Europa)是一位美丽的公主。宙斯(Zeus)化身一头白色公牛来到欧罗巴身边并带走了她。

8."Greek mythology, " the book I had very pttle time to read that in the past may not be able to understand.《希腊神话》这本书我在很小的时候就曾经阅读过,以前可能不大能理解。

9.But it's an epic poem that fires the boy's imagination. Homer's The Ipad, an account of the Trojan wars is mythology with a message.但激发亚历山大想象力的是一首描写特洛伊战争的神话般的英雄史诗《伊里亚特》,相传为荷马所作。

10.As you might recall from Greek mythology, Zeus was the supreme god, the one with the unnerving abipty to throw thunderbolts .你可能记得,在希腊神话中,宙斯是至高无上的天神,拥有击发雷霆的骇人力量。