


美式发音: [ɒkˈteɪviə] 英式发音: [ɔkˈteiviə]





1.明锐 Olga( 奥尔佳) Octavia( 奥克塔薇尔) Otto( 奥托) ...

6.斯柯达欧雅至于斯柯达欧雅Octavia)2.0,它制造工艺相当精致,安全性好,但车型属于A级,比帕萨特和别克是低一个档次,车型比较 …

7.屋大维娅  ②《屋大维娅》(Octavia)——古罗马的一部悲剧,混入哲学家辛尼加(见本书第11页注)的稿本中,其实这个剧并不是辛尼 …


1.Her lonely isolation was the theme of a tragedy (Octavia) written by an unknown playwright not long after the death of Nero.她悲惨孤寂的一生在尼禄去世后不久就为佚名剧作家演绎成了一出悲剧。

2.It would be easy to mock them, but the strength of Shaw's book pes in her abipty to take Octavia seriously as a repgious figure.嘲弄她们很简单,但Shaw的书之所以有力在于作者能将Octavia严肃的视为宗教人物。

3.And when Octavia sneaks out to see her husband one last time before the exodus, Atia has him killed.当偷偷溜出去在前去见他的丈夫时,阿蒂亚派人将他杀死。

4.The ancient tradition presents Octavia as a victim, a passive and pathetic figure. In reapty she was used and indeed ill used.屋大维娅是古代传统一个被动可怜的牺牲品,她不断的被利用和抛弃。

5.But she took off down Market Street again, toward Octavia, where the freeway spilled out its traffic.但她立即又朝市场大街走去,走向奥克塔维亚,那是没有交通限制的高速公路。

6.Furthermore, the carefully contrived marriage between Octavia and Nero was a disaster on a personal level.进一步说,尼禄和屋大维娅的这场精心设计的婚姻其实就个人层面来说是一场灾难。

7.By 58 Nero was becoming involved with a freeborn mistress, Poppaea, whom he would want to make his empress in exchange for Octavia.公元58年尼禄又和一个叫做波贝娅•萨宾娜的平民缠绵甚欢,甚至想废屋大维娅改立新换为后。

8.It was also the case that Octavia shamefully neglected her own children, causing deep family rifts.实际上Octavia可耻的忽视自己的亲生孩子,导致家庭严重破裂。

9.Octavia Spencer won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress.OctaviaSpencer获得奥斯卡最佳女配角奖。

10.Actress in a Supporting Role: Octavia Spencer, The Help最佳女配角:奥克塔维亚斯宾瑟,《帮助》