




1.氯化钠氯化钠的水溶液,简称氯化钠(NaCl)溶液评论| 溶液阿评论| 溶液评论| 2008-07-11 在一杯水中加入一小勺食盐,搅拌后食盐溶解 …

2.食盐食盐Nacl)是晶体,非晶体最简单常见的是玻璃评论| 晶体有固定的熔点和沸点。

3.盐水盐水,因为盐水NaCl)的溶解度最大,而糖水(蔗糖)是有机物,和水的相似性不大,所以他们的溶解度也不大。评论| 与鸟 …

4.盐度就可测出溶液的盐度(NaCl)或者钠离于(Na+)浓度。 2.较宽的测量范围可以覆盖整个应用领域。

5.岩盐岩盐NACl) 有咸味,烧之火焰?黄色,可与钾盐区别。


7.氯化纳以氯化纳(NaCl)的形成为例讨论离子 键的形成。 当Na(s)与Cl 2 (g)相遇时,由于Na的电离势较低,易于失去一个电子而成为 稳 …


1.Compared some physiological and biochemical characterization of the Nacl-tolerant Variants and controls after irrigation by sapne water.再生植株小苗移栽成活后,进行浇盐处理,比较耐盐系和同步培养的对照系的几项生理生化指标。

2.CONCLUSIONS The AER response to telmisartan with or without HCT under habitual low salt intake can be blunted by NaCl supplementation.结论:伴或不伴双氢克尿噻,低钠饮食时,AER对替米沙坦的反应会被补钠减弱。

3.Results showed that the growth and photosynthesis in every stock cultivar were restrained to different extent under NaCl stress.结果表明,盐胁迫条件下,各砧木品种生长和光合作用均受到不同程度抑制。

4.Relative water content and tolerance ratio of hybrid rice seedpngs were decreased with gradient enhancement of NaCl concentrations.杂交水稻幼苗相对含水量和耐盐比率随着盐胁迫程度加深而明显下降。

5.Electrochemical method treatment of dye effluents containing NaCl of high concentration .电化学法处理含盐染料废水。

6.The anodic film sealed by pulse current method excels direct current seapng in the corrosion resistance of anodic film in NaCl solution.比较了经直流封闭和脉冲电流封闭的氧化膜在NaCl溶液中耐腐蚀性能。

7.The results demonstrated that NaCl concentration was a key factor affecting the growth of E. curunla.表明盐胁迫的强度是影响弯叶画眉草生长的关键因素。

8.The mechanisms of germination responses to NaCl and PEG and the interaction between salt and temperature were also studied.同时研究的还有萌芽机制对氯化钠和聚乙二醇的反应,以及盐与温度之间所产生的相互作用。

9.The increasing concentration of NaCl could result in the decrease of lactic acid content in fermentation broth.随着食盐质量浓度的增大,发酵液的乳酸含量下降。

10.Production and quapty could be improved by adding sodium chloride (NaCl).改进工艺流程,加入氯化钠可提高出油率和产品质量。