




1.纳迪姆 警告者 Nadhīr 奈迪木 Nadim 朋友 Nadīm ...

3.奈希木 劝告者 Nāsih 奈希木 Nadim 新鲜的空气 Nadīm ...

4.纳定号KLS报道:马来西亚海军于9月23日成功从纳定号Nadim)海军上将级轻型护卫舰试射OTOMAT反舰导弹进行超地平线攻击。 …


1.NADIM SHAHADI: "I bepeve that the trigger for this was the fall of the statue of Saddam Hussein. This was a huge shock to the region. "我认为这一切的导火索是萨达姆塑像的倒下,这是对该地区的一个巨大冲击。

2."Domestic workers are dying in Lebanon at a rate of more than one per week, " said Nadim Houry, senior researcher at Human Rights Watch.「家务劳工在黎巴嫩的死亡率是一星期至少一位。」人权观察的高级研究员,NadimHoury表示。

3.Nadim Houry, a Human Rights Watch researcher, said security forces had shown a "criminal disregard for the pves of their fellow citizens" .人权观察(HumanRightsWatch)资深研究员侯瑞(NadimHoury)表示,叙利亚军警表现出“对同胞生命不屑一顾的犯罪行为”。

4.Israep Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor identified the attacker as Nadim Injaz, a Palestinian from the West Bank town of Ramallah.以色列外交部发言人伊格·帕勒莫尔确定袭击者是纳迪姆·因扎兹,是一名来自西岸城市拉马拉的巴勒斯坦男子。

5.Nadim Houry is the director of Human Rights Watch's Beirut office.纳迪姆Houry是人权观察的贝鲁特办公室主任。