




1.时间,RACE)、回放/增加罚则(REPLAY)、总计时间T. TIME)、倒数计时(CTDOWN)与计时秒表性能(CHRONO)。


1.said the Water Rat severely. 'You know it isn't time to be thinking of winter quarters yet, by a long way! '河鼠绷着脸说。“你们该懂得,现在还不是考虑过冬住所的时候,早着呐!”

2.discuss this further, but there wasn't time. "Honey, I really have to make this plane, " I said. "Let's talk tomorrow when I get back. "爱琳还想往下说,但没有时间了,所以我说道:“亲爱的,我的确得赶这一班飞机,等我明天回来再接着谈吧。”

3.Just my luck if he hasn't time to see me, or has left the building or taken sick.看来好运气还没有时间来光顾我,或许是已经离开了这座大楼,要么是病了!

4.'I am afraid I can't say anything as to that, ' he said regretfully. 'I really hadn't time to see anything. '“我恐怕没有什么可以说,”他后悔地说道,“我确实没有时间去看什么。”

5."You can't time the market, " I said, echoing my grandmother's stock marketadvice, "but you can try! "“你不能给市场定时,”我说,脑中回响起祖母的股市策略,“但你可以尝试!”

6.It isn't time yet for you to have your own pttle boy.你还不到自己喂养孩子的时候。

7.If people are able to steal a bunch more, they will purchase less, simply because there isn't time to do all of it.如果人们越支持盗版,正版购买得越少,理由很简单,没有时间去做其他一切事情。

8.I haven't time to tire of that sweetness they leave on my pps before it has disappeared into night.我来不及厌倦遗留在唇间的残香,它便消失在了夜幕之中。

9.Part of it was simply expediency; there wasn't time to rewrite everything to use . NET.部分是因为这个决定只是一个权宜之计,没有时间用.NET来重写所有的东西。

10."Very good, very good, I haven't time just now, " said Yermolov, and he hurried out of the cottage.“好的,好的,我现在没有时间,”叶尔莫洛夫说道,随即离开了那间农舍小屋。