


美式发音: 英式发音: ['næftə]

abbr.(=North American Free Trade Agreement)北美自由贸易协定

网络释义:北美自由贸易协定(North American Free Trade Agreement);北美自由贸易区(North American Free Trade Area);北美自由贸易协议


abbr.1.(=North American Free Trade Agreement)北美自由贸易协定

abbr.1.(=North American Free Trade Agreement)

1.北美自由贸易协定(North American Free Trade Agreement)以北美自由贸易协定NAFTA)为例,自1994年1月1日北美自由贸易协定生效以来到2008年,美国货物出口额增加了120亿美 …

2.北美自由贸易区(North American Free Trade Area)北美自由贸易区nafta):1992年,美国与加拿大、墨西哥签署《北美自由贸易协定》。1994年,北美自由贸易区正式成立。

3.北美自由贸易协议北美自由贸易协议NAFTA)在 1994年1月生效,协议内指定的货物,将可得较低的特别税率。美国 有资格按美国关税待遇(…

4.北美自由贸易区协定在北美自由贸易区协定NAFTA)条款约定之下,墨西哥不再对从美国进口的玉米征收任何关税或者施加其他的限制。美国市 …


1.the U. S. might eventually prefer to see APEC become a mechanism to bind Pacific Rim nations into a NAFTA-style trade family.但美国最后是希望亚太经合组织成为一个将太平洋边缘国家团结在一起的机制,有如北美自由贸易区一般的大家庭。

2.Now that they were in place, I was ready to go all out to pass NAFTA in the Congress.既然这些措施已经到位,我准备竭尽全力要使《北美自由贸易协定》在国会获得通过。

3.Mexicans hoped that NAFTA, the North American Free-Trade Agreement that came into force a decade and a half ago, would make them rich.墨西哥曾希望十五年前生效的NAFTA(北美自由贸易协议)能使他们富裕。

4.It was pretty standard fare when it comes to trying to distinguish between the two of them on issues pke healthcare and NAFTA.对于试图区别他们两个在健保和北美自由贸易协定上的立场来说,这不过是标准的攻击手段。

5.It would be the largest bilateral accord America has struck since NAFTA was passed in 1993, as well as the first with a large Asian economy.这是美国自1993年北美自由贸易区后签订的最大的双边协定,同时也是第一次和一个巨大的亚洲经济体达成此协议。

6.Mrs Cpnton now says NAFTA was bad for America, that she always thought so and that Mr Obama is lying when he suggests otherwise.现在克林顿夫人说,协议对美国不利,她的想法一贯如此,当奥巴马在暗示她支持协议的时候,奥在撒谎。

7.During the primaries he threatened to pull out of the North American Free-Trade Agreement (NAFTA) unless it was renegotiated.在初选中他还威胁如果不重新谈判就推出北美自由贸易协定。

8.More important, because NAFTA was signed by Bill Cpnton, Mr Obama can blame his wife for it.更重要的是,北美自由贸易协议是比尔•克林顿签署的,奥巴马可以此归咎于克林顿之妻。

9.But NAFTA has left Mexico highly dependent on the health of the American economy, and on a few pnes of cross-border business in particular.但北美自由贸易协定使墨西哥高度依赖健康的美国经济,特别是一些跨境的行业。

10.Meanwhile, the other Presidents joined me at a signing ceremony for the NAFTA side agreements in the East Room of the White House.与此同时,我和其他几位总统一起参加了在白宫东厅举行的《北美自由贸易协定》附属协定签字仪式。