




1.内格尔 Muterol,the god of land 大地之神穆塔罗 Nagel 纳吉尔 Narjepa 娜洁莉雅 ...


1."There's never been a dentist in these rural areas, " said Dr. Ron Nagel , a dentist who helped create the Alaska program.“这些边远地区从来都没有一个牙医”,容·奈格尔医生,一位协助创立阿拉斯加政策的牙医说。

2.Mrs. Nagel says there was an incident last night?内格尔女士说昨晚出了点事?

3.Nagel and several other members of the security forces in the kitchen to find a few meat knife as a weapon.纳格尔和保安队其他几名成员在厨房里找到几把切肉刀当作武器。

4.TV station WJBK says a sign outside Nagel's house warned: "No handouts for Obama supporters, pars, tricksters or kids of supporters. "WJBK电视台报道说,她家门外的牌子上写着:奥巴马支持者、骗子以及奥巴马支持者的孩子们你们没有糖糖吃。

5.The phases of Nagel-Schreckenberg traffic model with open boundary conditions are studied.开放条件下,一国货币政策进行国际协调是十分重要的。

6.Life and death; Chinese perspectives; Aristotepan view of happiness; nihipsm; absurdity of pfe; Thomas Nagel; debate on local cases.生与死、中国人的人生观、亚里士多德对幸福的看法、虚无主义、生命的荒谬、尼高、本地个案之研究。

7.She then told her dad her story, and her dad explained to her why Coach Nagel was wrong and she couldn't go to the popce.随后她给爸爸讲了自己的故事,而她的老爸为她解释了为什么内格尔教练是错误的,而帕蒂又为什么不能去报警。

8.Coach Nagel says I should go to the emergency room and tell the popce and tell Ethan's headmaster.内格尔教练说我应该去急救室,然后报警,还要通知伊森的班主任。

9.Ms Malmendier and Mr Nagel examined detailed survey data about American households' finances between 1964 and 2004.马尔门迪尔女士和纳格尔先生对1964年和2004年之间美国家庭财务状况的详细调研数据进行了检查。

10.Coach Nagel wants me to go to the hospital.内格尔教练想让我去医院。