


美式发音: [dɪsˈrʌpʃən] 英式发音: [dɪsˈrʌpʃ(ə)n]



复数:disruptions  同义词




n.1.a situation in which something cannot continue because of a problem2.a problem or action that interrupts something and prevents it from continuing

1.破坏 Dispute 辩论 Disruption 破坏 Disruptive 破坏性的 ...

2.分裂 disrupt v 分裂;瓦解 disruption n 分裂;瓦解 eruption n 爆发 ...

3.中断 disrupt 中断 disruption 中断 distinct 不同的,特殊的 ...

4.瓦解 disrupt v 分裂;瓦解 disruption n 分裂;瓦解 eruption n 爆发 ...

5.破裂 disproportion 不相称 disruption 破裂 dissecting aneurysm 分割性动脉瘤 ...

6.扰乱 disrupt vt 使中断;扰乱;/ disruption n 扰乱;中断;/ disruptive a 中断的; / ...

7.断裂 script 原语言程序 disruption 混乱,中断 introduction 介绍 2. 序言,导论 ...


1.Seagate will work with you to expedite a remedy to minimize any disruption to you or your business.希捷将与你一道工作,以加快补救措施,尽量减少中断您或您的业务。

2.The White House said the extra duties were necessary to combat market disruption caused by a surge in tyre imports.美国白宫却说,额外关税对于解决因轮胎进口剧增而引起的市场混乱很有必要。

3.If you're building a bridge between the two, you've got to come up with a clever way to switch lanes without disruption or accident.如果你想在两者之间架建一座桥梁(译者注:港粤澳大桥),你就得想出非常巧妙的不会引起混乱和事故的设计来切换车道才行。

4.Mr. Pluhowski said the company plans to assess the economic impact of the disruption and will compensate sellers.普鲁霍斯基说,公司计划评估搜索故障带来的经济影响,并对卖家做出补偿。

5.Tokyo has considered trying to take action against China at the WTO over the apparent disruption of exports.日本政府考虑过就出口明显受到干扰在WTO对中国采取行动。

6.But 2007 seems more pkely to be a year of choppier conditions than one of severe disruption.然而,2007年似乎更可能是波动较大的一年,而不会出现严重的破坏。

7.The consequent disruption of child-rearing must be among the biggest reasons for the long-term impact of mass violence.由此导致的儿童无人抚养必定是群体暴力的影响力经久不衰的最重要原因之一。

8.The last thing the world needs right now is disruption of one of its busiest shipping lanes and a spike in insurance premiums.现在的当务之急绝非中断这条繁忙的航线或者抬高保险费。

9.'We're all trying to figure out what the business is as it goes through this digital disruption. '我们都想努力搞清楚,在经历了数字出版革命的搅局之后,图书出版业的未来走向会是怎样。

10.While they travel across the channel, they block protons from flowing, leading to a brief disruption in current known as the Coulter effect.而当它们通过通道后,它们能阻止质子流,导致了目前已知的科尔特效果短暂中断。