




1.纳伊米 → Tazoudasaurus 塔邹达龙 → T. Naimi 奈玛塔邹达龙 简介( Brief Introduction) ...

4.乌地阿拉伯油长纳米但沙乌地阿拉伯油长纳米Naimi)表示,OPEC这次增产了百分之八点五,增至每日产量两千五百五十万桶。OPEC成员国预 …


1.Riyadh's Oil Minister Ap al-Naimi made it clear when he left the meeting that the kingdom would meet requirements regardless.该国石油部长欧那密在离开会议时表示,无论如何沙特都将满足需求。

2.Mr. Naimi sees no irony in all this because in Qatari terms, his weight and his choice of a relative as a spouse are the norm, he said.纳伊米先生并不觉得整件事有讽刺意味,因为据他说,在卡塔尔人看来,他的体重和他对伴侣的选择都是符合社会准则的。

3.Saudi Oil Minister Ap Naimi 17, said that as the world's largest oil exporter Saudi Arabia was ready, ready to meet market demand.沙特石油大臣纳伊米17日表示,作为世界第一大石油出口国的沙特已经做好准备,随时满足市场需求。

4.Mr Naimi warned that the region would be "central" to satisfying the growth in demand, especially from China, in the next two decades.纳伊米警告称,未来20年中,中东地区将在满足世界(尤其是中国)需求增长方面占据“中心”地位。

5.Mr. Naimi said the kingdom would satisfy all customer demand for more oil, if requested.纳伊米说,如果有必要,沙特将满足所有消费国对更多石油的需求。

6.Ap Naimi, the veteran Saudi oil minister once described as Opec's de facto leader, denounced "one of the worst meetings we have ever had" .任职多年的沙特石油大臣、一度被形容为欧佩克事实上领导人的阿里•纳伊米(ApNaimi),对“我们历来召开的最糟糕的会议之一”发出谴责。

7.And with some projects, Mr. Naimi is making output predictions that could be hard to hit.从一些项目来看,纳伊米的产量预测可能很难达到。

8.Al-Naimi also claims that most oil producing nations are "respecting their production quotas, since it's in everyone's interest to do so. "Al-Naimi还声称,大多数产油国都“遵守他们各自的产量配额规定,因为这样做符合各方利益。”

9.When asked about the president's call for increased OPEC production, Saudi Oil minister Ap Naimi was noncommittal .有记者问沙特阿拉伯石油大臣纳伊米对布什总统呼吁增加石油产量怎么看,纳伊米没有做出承诺。

10.Mr Naimi added then that Saudi production had "acted as a type of stimulus to the European and world economy" .当时纳伊米补充道,沙特石油产量“对欧洲乃至全球经济产生了某种形式的刺激作用”。