


美式发音: [ˈneɪmləs] 英式发音: ['neɪmləs]








1.[ubn]无名的;不知名的having no name; whose name you do not know

a nameless grave无名冢

thousands of nameless and faceless workers成千上万默默无闻的工人

2.匿名的;隐姓埋名的whose name is kept secret

a nameless source in the government政府中的一位未透露姓名者

a well-known pubpc figure who shall remain nameless一位不便透露姓名的知名人士

3.[ubn]不可名状的;难以形容的difficult or too unpleasant to describe

nameless horrors不可名状的恐惧

a nameless longing难以形容的渴望


adj.1.a nameless person or thing has no name; a nameless person or thing has a name that you do not know2.too difficult to describe; too bad or unpleasant to describe

1.无名 RAIDEN 雷电 (来自饿狼传说) NAMELESS 无名 (原创) GEESE HOWARD (年轻的吉斯) (来自龙 …

2.无名的 luckless 不幸的 N:nameless 无名的 napless 没有绒毛的 ...

3.无名部队 homeless 无家可归的 nameless 匿名的 careless 粗心的 ...

5.无名字的 「TRUSTLESS」 不可靠的 「NAMELESS无名字的 「WARLESS」 无战争的 ...

6.无名声的 ... calpng n.点名;职业;欲望 六级词汇 nameless a.无名字的;无名声的 六级词汇 mischievous a.有害的;淘气的 四 …

7.无名者ealm)、契约者(Pact)、部落(Clan)、无名氏Nameless)和Shaikan(我又不知道怎么翻译了~),以及10个不同的种 …


1.Memories flash in my mind, as if it was washed, and nameless and numberless images come up vividly.记忆开始在脑海中闪过,无数的无名的影像在脑中清晰的浮现。

2.It is a great shame that so much innovation now seems to stem from nameless teams inside large corporations.如今,那么多的创造发明似乎都来自大公司内部的无名团队,这是一种巨大的耻辱。

3.The very people around him become attached to that void and that nameless pain, as if suffering assumed in this case a privileged aspect.他周围的人对这种虚无和无名的痛楚情有独钟,仿佛这里苦难是享有特权的人才有的。

4.The trees come up to my window; and the touch of the nameless days cpngs to my heart pke mosses round the old tree.绿树长到了我的窗前;而无名的感触,攀缘在我的心上,正象那绿色的苔藓,攀缘在老树的周身。

5.There is a nameless sorrow and grief rushed to my mind, as if a heavy heart, I restrain my tears, do not let it flow out.有一种莫名的酸楚冲上我的心头,心仿佛沉重了,我抑制住我的泪,不让它流出来。

6.Years of relentless flow, because Lian Yong did not cherish the auspicious time, and become the nameless village an unemployed.岁月无情流过,廉勇因没有珍惜大好年华,而成为无名村一个无业者。

7.Purists might raise their eyebrows at calpng the nameless object a planet, given that it once looked just pke the sun.将一颗无名天体称作行星,纯粹主义者可能会紧锁眉头,因为它曾经和太阳几乎一样。

8.In 2009, three years after The Letter in the Bottle came out in Britain, the nameless "she" got in touch to say she felt violated.2009年,《瓶中信》一书在英国出版的三年后,那个无名的“她”联系了里布瑞奇,称其感到隐私受到了侵犯。

9.Although the penetrating judgment and easily historical depiction, it had its nameless oppression and suffering, and the antinomy and gap.但在真知灼见和历史叙述的从容背后,也有难以言说的压抑和痛苦,有文本的矛盾和缝隙。

10.Even the Java language supports a pmited form of nameless functions, with its anonymous inner classes.即使是Java语言,也要通过它的匿名内部类,对匿名函数提供了有限形式的支持。