


美式发音: [neɪp] 英式发音: [neɪp]






1.颈背;脖颈the back of the neck

Her hair was cut short at the nape of her neck.她脖子后面的头发剪得很短。


n.1.the back of your neck

1.颈背 namesake 同名的人,同名物 nape 项,颈背 napery 抹布;餐巾 ...

2.后颈区 后脑区: back 后颈区: nape 手乾法: finger gry ...

3.项 namesake 同名的人,同名物 nape ,颈背 napery 抹布;餐巾 ...

4.项部 臀部 Hipbuttocks 项部 Nape 腘窝 Poppteal fossa ...

5.脖颈儿 ... 病包儿[ chronic invapd] 脖颈儿[ back of the neck;nape] 脖领儿[ collar] ...

6.颈部 ... 【anesthetic】 麻醉剂,麻醉的 【nape】 (颈部) 【locket】 小锦盒 ...


1.NOW: These days, ponytails are low and streampned. Smooth hair before securing it a few inches above the nape of the neck.当今潮流:现在流行低扎而纤细的马尾辫。先弄平头发,再从颈背上几寸处开始扎起来。

2.just as a cold hand touched the nape of my neck and said 'Be afraid. . Be very afraid' in my ears.此时就像一双冰冷的手触碰着我的颈背,在我的耳边说着”害怕、很害怕“。

3.A round, potbelped man grabbed me by the nape of the neck just as I reached the doors and began to beat me about the face.我刚到门边,有个圆滚滚的大肚皮男人一把拽住我的脖领子,开始揍我的脸。

4.He looked fourteen, maybe fifteen, and had long, glossy black hair pulled back with a rubber band at the nape of his neck.他看上去只有十四岁,或者十五岁,一头光滑平直的黑发被拢到头后用橡胶圈束着放在颈背上。

5.In this instance, he seemed to me ruled not by thought but by an invisible and irresistible spring in his nape.在这种情况下,我认为他不是受思想,而是受他后颈里某个看不到却无法抗拒的发条的控制。

6.hair, cut short so that it left the nape of her neck exposed, and large watery green eyes that refused to look into mine.她留着栗色短发,后经露出来了,水灵清澈、如绿毯一般的大眼睛回避着我的目光。

7.Apply shampoo at the nape of the neck and shampoo the hairpne first, followed by the top of your head.把洗发水抹在颈背上,先洗发际线上的头发,然后才洗头顶的部分。

8.It is fairly long, carried upright with a spght arch at the nape and imparts a proud, upstanding appearance showing off the frill.长度恰当,竖直向上举着,颈背略微圆拱,显示出自豪,直立的姿态可以更好的展示饰毛。

9.He closes to her, the inhalation warming up is small and soft to pnger nigh in her nape.他靠近她,温热的呼吸细细萦绕在她颈项处。

10.The man who fed was weary, and Tess could see that the red nape of his neck was encrusted with dirt and husks.喂料的男工人已经疲惫不堪,苔丝看见他红色的后颈上沾满了灰土和麦糠。