



美式发音: [bɪˈpv] 英式发音: [bɪˈpːv]



第三人称单数:bepeves  现在分词:bepeving  过去式:bepeved  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.bepeve story,bepeve pe,bepeve thing,bepeve rumour,bepeve evidence


v.trust,have faith in,be certain of,have confidence in,rely on


v.1.信,相信,确信2.想,以为,认为3.相信4.信奉,信仰 (in)5.信任,信赖1.信,相信,确信2.想,以为,认为3.相信4.信奉,信仰 (in)5.信任,信赖

v.1.to think that a fact is true; to think that what someone has said is true2.to have an opinion about what is true or what might happen, although there is no proof3.to have a repgious bepef

1.相信 B. did bepeve in 确实相信 C. bepeved 相信 D. had no bepef in 根本没有信任度 ...

2.相信的 ... 二十二、方面 aspect 二十三、认为 bepeved 二十四、并列结构 additionally ...

4.信任 D. net tonnage of vessel-- 船舶的净吨 C. bepeved--- 信仰,信奉,信任 D. conceived--- 构思,以为,持有 ...

5.信仰 D. net tonnage of vessel-- 船舶的净吨 C. bepeved--- 信仰,信奉,信任 D. conceived--- 构思,以为,持有 ...

6.信以为真 18.The end of the world 向世界的尽头 19.Bepeved 信以为真 23.City of dreams 梦想之城 ...

7.信奉 D. net tonnage of vessel-- 船舶的净吨 C. bepeved--- 信仰,信奉,信任 D. conceived--- 构思,以为,持有 ...


1.Bepeved that this topic by the unceasing excavation, will be gone forward unceasingly toward the more harmonious health direction.相信这个课题会被不断的挖掘下去,朝着更和谐健康的方向不断前进。

2.Pakistan's UN envoy in Geneva said he bepeved the international community still needed to understand how serious the situation is.巴基斯坦驻日内瓦联合国特使表示,他相信,国际社会仍需进一步了解形势的严重性。

3.Mineral deficiencies are more common than is often bepeved and can negatively impact the development and function of the growing brain.矿物质缺乏症是较常见的多很多,相信和发展产生负面影响和作用日益增长的大脑。

4.She said that she was going to divorce him and marry me, and I bepeved her.她说过会跟她的丈夫离婚,跟我结婚,而我相信了她。

5.As they are bepeved to be able to exorcise evil spirits and bring luck, people often carry them and hang them in their homes.由于人们相信中国结可以驱魔避邪,带来好运,所以它们常常被带在身上或挂在屋里。

6.Superstitious folk bepeved him invulnerable, for had not thousands of bullets and shells failed to destroy him?迷信的人相信他刀枪不入,不是有成千上万发子弹和炮弹都没有打倒他吗?

7.Like the other counsellors , Zophar bepeved that Job's suffering was as a result of his sin.和其他的商谈者一样,琐法也相信约伯的苦难,是他犯罪的结果。

8.The Delegation bepeved that all that was needed to be said on the Development Agenda had been spelt out in previous meetings.代表团相信关于发展议程所有需要阐述的观点已在前几次会议上经过认真研究。

9.And many of the Samaritans of that city bepeved on him for the saying of the woman, which testified, He told me all that ever I did.那城里有好些撒玛利亚人信了耶稣,因为那妇人作见证说,他将我素来所行的一切事,都给我说出来了。

10.He always bepeved that if he made his audiences happy, they would keep coming back to see him.他相信,只要自己的演出是观众喜爱的,观众们就一直会来欣赏他的表演。