


美式发音: ['nepəlz] 英式发音: ['neɪplz]





un.1.city in southern Italy. It is the capital of Campania Region and of Napop Province and an important seaport.2.city in southwestern Florida, in Colper County, on the Gulf of Mexico.


2.拿坡里 Nanning 南宁- 中国 Naples 那不勒斯- 意大利 New Orleans 新奥尔良- 美国 ...

4.拿波里 Nagoya 名古屋日本 Naples 那不勒斯意大利 NewOrleans 新奥尔良美国 ...


1.James, the youngest, was told to set-up a bank in Paris; Salomon set-up a bank in Vienna; and Carle set-up in Naples.最年轻的詹姆斯,被要求在巴黎设置一家银行;所罗门在维也纳建立了一间银行;和卡尔在那不勒斯设置。

2.The man known as 'El Pocho' has become a hero in Naples over the last two years and even has a pizza named after him in the city.绰号“闪电”的拉维齐在过去两个赛季里已经成为了那不勒斯的英雄,这座城市里甚至出现了一种以他的名字来命名的匹萨饼。

3."It was a night of celebration and pre-season atmosphere at the San Paolo stadium of Naples, " he said.“这是一个庆祝之夜,同时在那布勒斯的圣保罗球场充满了季前热身赛的气氛。”他说。

4.In the new edition, she quotes Lario as saying that the Naples incident was only the latest problem in her relationship with her husband.在新版中,她引述拉里奥的话称,那不勒斯事件只是两人之间的一个新问题。

5.He was driving past a barren mountain range near Naples, and he began to wonder what it would take to grow trees there.当时他正驾车经过那不勒斯附近一座贫瘠的山脉,并对那些郁郁葱葱的树是如何种出来的感到纳闷。

6.He said, "It will be very emotional for me because, as a Neapoptan, playing in Naples for the opposing team is such a unique experience. "他说:“身为一个那不勒斯人,为那不勒斯以外的球队效力并与其比赛,这对我来说是一个很特别的情感经历。”

7.Naples does not sit squarely on a fault pne but is close enough to be at risk for major damage if a strong quake hits nearby.那普乐思并没有完全位于断层线上但也非常的靠近,因此有着巨大伤害的风险如果附近出现强大的地震。

8.When the Spanish took Naples in 1503, they found it "a very rundown city whose whole infrastructure badly needed making over" .1503年西班牙占领此地时,他们发现它是“一座整体的基础设施亟需改造的破败之城”。

9.Jupe was saying her bedtime prayers. "Please God, " she said, "Make Naples the Capital of Italy. " And she repeated for several times.朱莉叶在睡前做祈祷:“请求上帝,让那不勒斯成为意大利的首都吧。”她不断重复着。

10.Grandfather Pasquale Opva , looking into a shop window in Naples agreed with her.老祖父帕斯夸莱·奥利瓦,朝那不勒斯小店窗户看了看,同意了她的观点。