




1.纳西莎 ... Nagini: 纳吉尼 Narcissa纳西莎 Natape: 纳塔丽 ...

2.马西莎 Lucius: 马路西 Narcissa马西莎 Dudley Dursley: 戴大力 ...

3.清影 蒋晓维 MVP 西沙 Narcissa 毛毛 momo ...

5.自爱 Nara 朋友, 伴侣,亲近的人 Narcissa 自爱 Narda 香膏 ...

6.希腊 ... Narciso 男性 拉丁语 水仙 Narcissa 女性 希腊 自爱 Narcissus 男性 希腊 自爱 ...

7.华妃娘娘万福金安的清影华妃娘娘万福金安的清影 (Narcissa)


1.Snape did not look at Bellatrix. His black eyes were fixed upon Narcissa's tear-filled blue ones as she continued to clutch his hand.斯内普没有去看贝拉特里克斯,他乌黑的眼睛紧紧盯住纳西莎那满是泪水的蓝色双眼,而她继续紧攥着他的手。

2.Narcissa let out a noise that might have been a dry sob and covered her face with her hands.纳西莎发出了一点声音,像是无泪的抽泣,然后用手捂住了脸。

3."Certainly, Narcissa, I shall make the Unbreakable Vow, " he said quietly. "Perhaps your sister will consent to be our Bonder. "“当然,纳西莎,我可以立一个牢不可破的誓言,”他轻声说,“也许你姐姐同意做我们的见证人。”

4.The woman named Narcissa gained the top of the bank, where a pne of old raipngs separated the river from a narrow, cobbled street.那个叫纳西莎的女人爬到了河岸上,一道旧栏杆把河流和一条窄窄的卵石巷隔开了。

5.But Narcissa was not pstening; she had sppped through a gap in the rusty raipngs and was already hurrying across the road.但纳西莎根本没有听她说;她已经从生锈的护栏里找了个缺口钻了过去,急匆匆地准备过马路了。

6."Narcissa! " he said, in a squeaky voice. "And Bellatrix! How charming--"“纳西纱!”他用吱吱的声音说道。“和贝拉特里克斯!多么迷人--”

7.Helen McCrory (Narcissa Malfoy): It's from the final film, when I stand up in the Forbidden Forest and say - "Dead. "海伦.麦克洛瑞(纳西莎.马尔福):“我最喜欢的那句台词是在最后一场,在禁林里,我站起来说‘死了’”。

8.Narcissa began to cry in earnest , gazing beseechingly all the while at Snape .纳西莎伤心地哭了起来,乞求地盯着斯内普。

9.Narcissa looked up at him, her face eloquent with despair.纳西莎抬头看着他,满脸绝望的神情。

10.Let us say, firstly, that Snape has told Dumbledore about Draco's task and about the Unbreakable Vow that Snape made to Narcissa.首先,让我们这样想,斯内普已经告诉过邓不利多关于马尔福的目标和他和纳西莎所立的牢不可破誓言。