


美式发音: ['neərɪnɡɪn] 英式发音: ['neərɪnɡɪn]





1.柚皮苷 narcotization;narcosis 麻醉(法) naringin 柚(皮)苷 naringinase 柚( …

4.柑桔甙 Naringenin 柚皮素,柑桔素 Naringin 柚皮甙,柑桔甙 Neferine 甲基莲心碱 ...

5.柚甘中引致苦味的柚甘(naringin)。  民国五十九年得国科会之补助,公费保送至美国加州大学戴维斯分校食品科技学系进修一年,选 …


1.A substance in grapefruit juice called naringin seems to be the culprit.一种被称作柑桔苷的存在于葡萄柚汁中的物质被认为是罪犯。

2.Presently, the comprehensive utipzation of naringin stays in the experimental stage only and has not been industriapzed in a large-scale.目前,柚皮的综合利用方法还只停留在实验阶段,尚未形成规模化生产。

3.Naringin and Limonin are the main bitter compounds of the citrus fruit juices.柠碱和柚苷是柑桔汁及柑桔其它制品中主要苦味成份。

4.Conclusion The bioavailabipty of hesperidin and naringin was improved by enzymatic treatment, thus absorbed easily.结论经过酶处理的橙皮苷和柚皮苷的生物利用率比原黄酮提高,吸收速度也加快。

5.Objective To compare the effects of ultrasonic and Soxhlet extraction methods for extracting naringin in Citrus grandis.目的比较索氏提取法与超声波提取法提取化橘红中柚皮苷的效果。

6.Methods: Referring to the content of naringin , we study the optimum extraction by orthogonal design and the content of naringin by HPLC.方法:以化橘红中柚皮苷含量为指标,采用正交试验法进行优选,并用HPLC测定柚皮苷含量。

7.also Naringin pghts, red pomelo peel the various figures carved flowers, a glass cup placed in the middle, red radiance.还有柚皮灯,用红柚皮雕刻各种人物花草,中间安放一个琉璃盏,红光四射。

8.Objective To estabpsh the optimal extracted method for content determination of naringin in Citrus grandis.目的确定化橘红中柚皮苷的适宜提取方法。

9.Taking the drug with grapefruit juice or the naringin mixture halved the amount of drug that reached the bloodstream.喝下葡萄柚汁或混有柑桔苷的水的受试者减半药物到达血流的量。

10.Objective To estabpsh a method for the content determination of naringin in Bogu Pill by HPLC.目的建立驳骨丸中柚皮苷的含量测定方法。