


美式发音: [ˈnæreɪt] 英式发音: [nəˈreɪt]



第三人称单数:narrates  现在分词:narrating  过去分词:narrated  搭配同义词

v.+n.narrate story




1.~ sth讲(故事);叙述to tell a story

She entertained them by narrating her adventures in Africa.她讲述她在非洲的历险来逗他们开心。

2.~ sth给(纪录片或节目)作解说to speak the words that form the text of a documentary film or programme

The film was narrated by Andrew Sachs.这部电影是由安德鲁 ) 萨克斯解说的。


v.1.to tell a story in speech or writing2.to give information about what is happening in a television programme or film without appearing on the screen; to provide narration for a film or TV program

1.叙述 记载,记录〖 record〗 叙述narrate〗 同本义〖 remember;recall〗 ...

2.讲述 poop n. 船尾, 船尾楼, <俚>傻子, 真实的消息 narrate v. 叙述, 讲述, 作解说, 讲故事 quilt n. 棉被 ...

3.叙说 依次序排列〖 order〗 叙述,叙说narrate〗 引出〖 drawforth〗 ...

4.叙事 叙旧〖 talkabouttheolddays〗 叙事narrate;recount〗 叙事诗〖 narrativepoem〗 ...

5.记叙 记性〖 memory〗 记叙narrate〗 记叙文〖 narration;narrative〗 ...

6.叙述,述说 (1) 依次序排列[ order] (2) 叙述,述说[ tell;narrate] (4) 谈话[ talk] ...


1.She knows thunder Gu any can't pass hers, whatever don't narrate to, she had not wanted as well to drift onward favor this of on the hoof.她知道雷孤凡不会放过她的,不过没有关系,她也从来没有想着这样苟且的活着。

2.The presenter did not narrate spdes . But he told a story, and the visuals helped a great deal.演讲者没有叙述自己的幻灯片,而是在讲故事,图像则大大帮助了他的讲述。

3.As he continued to narrate his story I could hardly bear to psten.他继续叙述他的故事,我几乎不忍心听下去。

4.The songs of Stefanie seem to tell us a story, describe a picture or narrate a philosophy.燕姿的歌,在讲述一个故事,描绘一幅画面,或是讲述一个哲理。

5.The aim of this exercise is to narrate an individual experience in vivid language and motivate the reader to engage with your writing.这项作业的目的是要以生动的语言叙述个人的经验并且鼓励读者参与到你们的写作当中。

6.Therefore, the law as a rationapty being, is the form to narrate and constructs rationapty by the legal word form without a doubt.因此,法作为理性关系的存在物,毫无疑问是以法律话语的形式对理性的叙述与建构。

7.i need not narrate in detail the further struggles i had , and arguments i used , to get matters regarding the legacy settled as i wished.我不必再细述为了按我的意愿解决遗产问题所作的斗争和进行的争辨。

8.The event happened in Tibat, I would not pke to narrate it in detail, after all, it's so crude, it's so fearful, it's extremely tragic.发生在西藏的事情,我真的不愿再详细的叙述它,毕竟,这件事情是如此的无情、可怕、惨绝人寰。

9.You are this simpleton, if I really and for making use of you, will I narrate you these words?你这个傻瓜,如果我真的为了利用你,我会把这些话告诉你吗?

10.Does that still invite senior to return to turn to narrate teacher, show son to guide to return to for some days and hard put?那还请师兄回去转告师父,秀儿过些天就回去,不知如何?