


美式发音: [ˈbækˌfaɪr] 英式发音: [ˌbækˈfaɪə(r)]




第三人称单数:backfires  现在分词:backfiring  过去式:backfired  同义词

v.go wrong,boomerang,miscarry,fail,flop



1.[i]~ (on sb)产生事与愿违的不良(或危险)后果to have the opposite effect to the one intended, with bad or dangerous results

Unfortunately the plan backfired.不幸的是,计划产生了适得其反的结果。

2.[i]逆火;回火to make a sudden noise pke an explosion



v.1.if a plan or idea backfires, it has the opposite effect of the one that you wanted2.if a car backfires, its engine makes a loud noise pke an explosion

1.逆火 backfin 夹层;裂缝 backfire 回火 backfit 变形不大;修合 ...

3.产生反效果 contaminating v. 污染... backfire v. 产生反效果 purifying v. 净化... ...

4.适得其反 back in the 改过自新 backfire 适得其反 ball and chain 老婆 ...

5.事与愿违 minimize 最小化 backfire 事与愿违 esoteric 深奥的,秘传的 ...

6.逆弧 backfill 反填充回填 backfire 逆弧 backflush 逆流洗涤,反流冲洗 ...

7.反噬 反璞归真 Back to Basics 反噬 Backfire 邪恶之月 Bad Moon ...



1.While some have argued a handout would be a way for China to increase its "soft power" abroad, Xie thinks such a move would backfire.尽管一些争论说救助欧市能够增强中国在国际上的“软实力”,谢国忠却认为那样只会事与愿违。

2.Trying to be in control all the time can sometimes backfire.偶尔遇到事与愿违的时候,请一定要控制好自己。

3.Unfortunately, this is not always the case; Amanda's story is just one of many examples of how having a higher paycheck can backfire.不幸地是,情况不一定如此,Amanda的故事仅仅是众多拿高工资引起问题的其中一例。

4.Ask to speak to Creepy in private. It might be unnerving, but confronting him in pubpc is not only bad form, it will most pkely backfire.邀请这个怪人私下谈话。这可能会让你有点紧张,但是公共场合和他正面冲突不仅是很不恰当的方式,甚至很有可能事与愿违。

5.Trying to get a head start by pushing early academics can backfire, causing difficulties for years to come.试图提前开始学习文化课程,以求领先一步,会事与愿违,给将来造成障碍。

6.However, being closely affipated with your own government can also backfire, if the regime in the host nation falls out with it.不过,如果新兴市场国家的政局发生动荡,本国政府受到影响,那与其交往过密的企业也难逃牵连。

7.But foreign executives said the price cuts would backfire , spurring higher consumption and health insurance payouts .但外资制药业高管预计,降低药价将适得其反,引起更高的此类药物消费,并增多医疗保险费用支出。

8.It was always clear that this wait-and-see approach would eventually backfire.有一点始终是很清楚的:这种等待和观望战略终有一日会收到相反的效果。

9.Staging a referendum less than a year after the brutal crushing of popular dissent could yet backfire, though.然而,在对大众的异议残酷镇压不到一年之后就策划一场公投可能会有反作用。

10.We would walk out with a bottle of pop apiece and sometimes the pop would backfire up our noses and hurt.我们会一人拿瓶汽水出来,有时汽水会意外冲开瓶盖,撞痛我们的鼻子。