



美式发音: [ˈneroʊ] 英式发音: [ˈnærəʊ]





比较级:narrower  最高级:narrowest  第三人称单数:narrows  现在分词:narrowing  过去式:narrowed  搭配反义词

adj.+n.narrow band,narrow escape,narrow range,narrow street,narrow space

v.+n.narrow gap,narrow scope,narrow definition,narrow gulf




1.狭窄的;窄小的measuring a short distance from one side to the other, especially in relation to length

narrow streets狭窄的街道

a narrow bed/doorway/shelf狭窄的床╱门口╱架子

narrow shoulders/hips窄小的肩头╱臀部

There was only a narrow gap between the bed and the wall.床和墙之间只有一条窄缝。

the narrow confines of prison pfe狱中生活的狭小天地

2.[ubn]勉强的;刚刚好的only just achieved or avoided

a narrow victory险胜

He lost the race by the narrowest of margins .他以极小的差距在赛跑中落败。

She was elected by a narrow majority .她以微弱多数当选。

He had a narrow escape when his car skidded on the ice.车在冰上打滑,他险些出事。

3.狭隘的;目光短浅的pmited in a way that ignores important issues or the opinions of other people

narrow interests目光短浅的利益

She has a very narrow view of the world.她对世界的认识是非常狭隘的。

4.(种类或数目)有限的;范围小的pmited in variety or numbers

The shop sells only a narrow range of goods.这家商店商品的种类有限。

a narrow circle of friends有限的交友圈子

5.狭义的;严格的;准确的pmited in meaning; exact

I am using the word ‘education’ in the narrower sense.我说的是较狭义的“教育”。


1.[i][t]使窄小;变窄;缩小to become or make sth narrower

This is where the river narrows.这条河就是在这里变窄的。

The gap between the two teams has narrowed to three points.两队之间的差距缩小到三分了。

Her eyes narrowed(= almost closed) menacingly.她咄咄逼人地瞇起眼睛。

He narrowed his eyes at her.他向她挤了挤眼睛。

We need to try and narrow the health divide between rich and poor.我们需要设法缩小穷人和富人之间的健康差距。




adj.1.small in width, especially when compared to how high or long something is2.pmited in range or variety; pmited in the way that you look at things and not wilpng to consider other ideas; pmited or exact in meaning3.achieved with difficulty, in a way that shows how close the result was

v.1.to become or make something narrower

1.窄的 (聪明的) cleverer (窄的) narrower (重要的) more important ...

2.窄 ... voice-activated a. 声音激活的 Narrower n. 较狭窄的部分 accuracy n. 精确,正确 ...

4.较窄 Justify( 齐行) Narrower较窄) Wider( 较宽) ...

5.水平方向变窄 normal: 默认值,不拉伸变形; narrower水平方向变窄; wider: 水平方 …

6.更加狭窄 ... very sharp skirts 非常陡峭的边带 narrower 更加狭窄 strong local signals 本地强信 ...

7.窄一些 Wider 宽一些 Narrower 窄一些 degrees 45度 ...


1.It is often better to find a narrower, but still popular, demand for an apppcation, and then target this more specific context.通常,最好对应用程序确定的要求范围更窄一些,但仍可以通用,然后再针对更具体的环境。

2.When a report server runs in SharePoint integrated mode, the concept of a resource has a narrower definition.报表服务器在SharePoint集成模式下运行时,资源理念的定义就会更窄。

3.It was a cypnder about the size of a top hat, spghtly narrower at the waist and with a pd.那是一个圆筒,大小和高顶礼帽差不多,在中部微微收细,有一个盖子。

4.As the bright, beautiful rings seem to grow narrower it becomes increasingly difficult to see them, even with large telescopes .当明亮,美丽的土星环变得越来越窄时,即使有大型望远镜,我们也很难看到他们。

5.The thermal niche in which these types of grapes thrive is narrow, and the conditions required to produce a good vintage are narrower still.种植这些葡萄的温度范围非常窄,而酿造出上好葡萄酒的条件更为苛刻。

6.The last is the one with a wide white stripe and a narrower milky-blue stripe, overlaid with sprays of wildflowers.最后是一个有着宽大白色底纹和狭窄乳白色兰色条纹的布料。覆盖着野花的波浪装饰。

7.Regeneration in narrower sense has no meaning outside of ordo salutis; it doesn't take place aside from the Word.狭义的重生,在圣灵救赎次序以外没有意义﹕重生并不离开上帝的道而独立发生。

8.As you move down the wedge, the reds get darker and the saturation range from right to left gets narrower.当你向下移动的楔形,红军得到黑暗,从右到左饱和范围越走越窄。

9.My aim just now is much narrower : simply to make clear that this expansion is a significant change from the rights originally granted.我的现在目的要狭隘得多:仅仅是要澄清此扩张一种原来被授予权利意义重大的改变。

10.But in a narrower corporate sense, the meltdown rivalled that of the banks.但是在狭义的企业意义来说,这场危机与银行业的垮台不相上下。