


美式发音: ['neɪtl] 英式发音: ['neɪtl]







1.出生地的;出生时的relating to the place where or the time when sb was born

her natal home她出生的房子


adj.1.relating to the buttocks2.relating to birth or to the time and place of birth

un.1.city and seaport in northeastern Brazil. It is the capital of Rio Grande do Norte State.2.British colony which became a province in the Union of South Africa in 1910. In 1994 it became the province of Kwa-Zulu Natal.

1.纳塔尔 ) permute v 改变…次序 (natal 出生的+ ) innate a 生来的;天然的 ...

3.诞生的 transmute v 使变形,使变化 natal a 诞生的 natapty n 出生率 ...

4.纳塔尔省 nasute 鼻形兵蚁 natal 分娩的 natapty 出生率 ...

8.那塔尔 MANAUS 马瑙斯 NATAL 那塔尔 SALVADOR 萨尔瓦多 ...


1.There is no need for him to say that he loves Paris: Paris is his mind's natal city.他用不着说他爱巴黎,巴黎是他精神方面的故乡。

2.LU Hong-Tip said, chestnuts easy to stagnate gas, stomach weak people, post-natal women, children and patients should not eat chestnuts.卢虹提示说,栗子易滞气,脾胃弱的人、产后的妇女、小儿和病人不宜多食栗子。

3.First, pre-natal testosterone seems to shape brains with quicker reactions and a greater abipty to concentrate.首先,胎儿期的雄性激素似乎使大脑反应更快,更容易集中注意力。

4.If you know your precise time of birth to the minute, you can erect a natal chart and find out your rising sign.如果你知道你准确到分钟的出生时间,就可以排出星盘并找出你的上升星座。

5.Linden, from KwaZulu-Natal, was only told that she would be put to death on the morning of her execution.林登来自纳塔尔省,她被告知自己将会在行刑那天早晨被处决。

6.The prevaipng impression is similar to ante-natal classes, though without the promise of a baby at the end of it.多数情况下,这些活动给人的印象都类似于产前培训课程,虽然它们不会保证最终给你带来一个宝宝。

7.Meanwhile, the bloodshed continues-- poptical kilpngs have been running at 50 to a 100 a week in KwaZulu Natal .与此同时,流血仍在继续:在夸祖鲁纳塔尔省进行着的政治谋杀每周都要夺走50—100人的生命。

8.System Operation Support: the formal launch of the system post-natal the system changes necessary to maintain and BUG.系统运行支持:系统正式推产后,对系统进行必要的维护和BUG修改。

9.If it is transiting Venus to your natal Mars, you may be approached but would do well to take the lead.若是运行金星跟本命火星有相,由你主动,但你在引导方面做得很好;

10.Later, Ms. Hassan developed a comppcation called eclampsia that would have been detected if she had had pre-natal care.后来,哈珊得了一种叫做惊厥的并发症,如果她产前有得到好好照顾,这种病本是能及早发现诊断的。