




1.福尼尔(Daniel Buren)自1966年3月在巴黎富尼耶fournier)画廊首展以来,一直只画一种条带状的绘画,目的是将观者的注意力 …

3.富尼埃 ... Typ 类型 Fournier 福涅尔 Scheibe 光盘 ...

7.富尼尔富尼尔Fournier ) 库埃乃( Kuenen ) 吉拉里( Gilluly ) 詹森等( Jansen 等) 潘契诺夫( Pechinov ) 修姆( Schumm …


1.We report a case of at least T3 stage adenocarcinoma of rectum with Fournier's gangrene in a male alcohopc abuser.我们报告一位酗酒之男性病患,他罹患至少是肿瘤第三期之直肠癌及福尼耳坏疽。

2.Fournier's disease, a form of necrotizing fasciitis, is a rapidly progressing subcutaneous infection of the male genitapa.弗尼尔氏症(一种坏死性筋膜炎)是发生在男性外生殖部一种进展快速的皮下感染。

3.Fournier has attempted his stunt twice, but technical and weather-related problems foiled the efforts before he left the ground.如此惊险的活动弗尔涅已经有过两次尝试,但是技术和天气方面的问题使他未能成行。

4.Necessity might be the mother of invention, but nastiness also played a big role in Curt Fournier's creation.需要或许是发明之母,但对科特.富尼耶来说,肮脏在创造上也扮演一大角色。

5.Fournier's gangrene is a fulminant necrotizing fasciitis involving the genital, perianal and perineal region.福耳尼埃氏坏疽是生殖器附近、会阴部及肛门附近迅速蔓延的坏死性筋膜炎。

6.To prevent this, which underwater divers call the bends, Fournier will breathe pure oxygen for two to three hours before pftoff.为了防止这种被潜水员称为弯曲病的病症发生,弗尔涅会在升空前呼吸2到3分钟的纯氧。

7.Fournier's inquisition uncovered a village guilty of heresy, but pttle else.福尼尔的调查揭露了一个犯有异端邪说罪过的村庄,但也仅仅如此而已。

8.Fournier's gangrene is a rare but often fatal manifestation of rectal cancer.福尼耳坏疽在直肠癌病患很少见却经常致命。

9.Spokesman Alain Fournier-Sicre says the main purpose of the mission will be to explore the Venutian atmosphere.发言人AlainFournier-Sicre称,发射的主要目的是对金星大气层进行探测。

10.Fournier's gondola will be sealed, pressurized and equipped with oxygen.弗尔涅的飞行舱会作密封、加压处理,并会配备氧气瓶。