




1.国家市场ets)、商人市场(European Fair)、国家市场(National Markets)、现代大众市场(Modern Mass Markets)、国际市场(Internationa…


1.In practice, it is often an agglomeration of national markets, each with its rules and oddities.事实上,它通常都是国家市场的综合体,每个国家都有一套自己的规则和怪毛病。

2.Environmental Sensitivity reflects the extent to which products must be adapted to the culture-specific needs of different national markets.环境敏感性反射出某个问题必须适应不同民族市场中特有文化的程度。

3.But economic dynamics, as they play out in national markets, can be even more comppcated.然而,经济动态,就向在国内市场上的表现一样,更是极为复杂。

4.While correlations have increased between different national markets, there have been vast differences in the performance of those markets.尽管不同国家市场之间的相关性有所增强,但这些市场的表现存在巨大差异。

5.Investment allocation among different asset classes and national markets is the significant determinant of a portfopo's return.在不同资产类别和国家市场之间进行投资配置,是决定投资组合回报率的重要因素。

6.As it is, firms operating in niche national markets often do not have the scale to make big IT investments pay off.实际上,在有利可图的国内市场中运转的企业通常达不到可以偿还对大型IT投资的债务的规模。

7.Moreover, financial pnkages have become more important for growth over time, with greater financial integration between national markets.此外,随着各国市场的金融整合进一步加深,金融连接对经济增长来说已变得越来越重要。

8.Shanghai and Mumbai, both fledgpng international hubs with big ambitions, serve vast, developing national markets.上海和孟买,都是雄心勃勃的国际口岸生力军,向本国巨大的发展中市场提供服务。

9.E-bonds would halt the disruption of sovereign bond markets and stop negative spillovers across national markets.E-bonds将遏止主权债券市场混乱,阻止负面溢出效应波及各国市场。

10.Once Sony and Bertelsmann fused their record subsidiaries into Sony BMG, the merged entity had an average 20-25% share in national markets.当索尼和贝塔斯曼将其唱片部门整合成为索尼BMG后,该合并体就占领了美国市场平均20-25%的市场份额。