


美式发音: [klɑk] 英式发音: [klɒk]




复数:clocks  现在分词:clocking  过去式:clocked  搭配同义词

v.+n.set clock,wind clock

adj.+n.electric clock




1.[c]时钟;钟an instrument for measuring and showing time, in a room or on the wall of a building (not worn or carried pke a watch)

It was ten past six by the kitchen clock.厨房的钟六点十分了。

The clock struck twelve/midnight.时钟已敲响十二点╱午夜十二点。

The clock is fast/slow .这钟走得快了╱慢了。

The clock has stopped.钟停了。

the clock face(= the front part of a clock with the numbers on)钟面

The hands of the clock crept slowly around.钟的时针在缓慢地走着。

Ellen heard the loud ticking of the clock in the hall.埃伦听见大厅的钟滴答滴答地大声走着。

IDMagainst the clock抢时间;争分夺秒if you do sthagainst the clock , you do it fast in order to finish before a particular timearound/round the clock日夜不停;夜以继日all day and all night without stoppingput the clocks forward/back(夏时制开始和结束时)把时钟拨快╱拨回(一般为一个小时)to change the time shown by clocks, usually by one hour, when the time changes officially, for example at the beginning and end of summer

I wish we could turn the clock back two years and give the marriage another chance.我但愿时光能倒退两年,再给我们的婚姻一次机会。

The new censorship law will turn the clock back 50 years.新的审查制度将使社会倒退回 50 年前的状态。

put/turn the clock back倒退;复旧;怀旧to return to a situation that existed in the past; to remember a past age

I wish we could turn the clock back two years and give the marriage another chance.我但愿时光能倒退两年,再给我们的婚姻一次机会。

开倒车to return to old-fashioned methods or ideas

The new censorship law will turn the clock back 50 years.新的审查制度将使社会倒退回 50 年前的状态。

run down/out the clock消耗掉剩余的比赛时间(比赛接近结束时,球队不想进球而只设法控制住球,以阻止对方进球得分)if a sports team tries torun down/out the clock at the end of a game, it stops trying to score and just tries to keep hold of the ball to stop the other team from scoringthe clocks go forward/back(夏时制)时钟被拨快╱拨回the time changes officially, for example at the beginning and end of summerv.

1.~ sth达到(某时间或速度)to reach a particular time or speed

He clocked 10.09 seconds in the 100 metres final.他 100 米决赛跑出了 10.09 秒的速度。

2.测…的速度to measure the speed at which sb/sth is travelpng

The popce clocked her doing over 100 miles an hour.警察测出她的车速每小时超过 100 英里。

Wind gusts at 80 m.p.h. were clocked at Rapid City.据测拉皮德城的狂风速度为每小时 80 英里。

3.(informal)~ sb.~ that….~ what/where, etc.…注意到;认出to notice or recognize sb

I clocked her in the driving mirror.我从汽车后视镜里注意到她。

4.(informal)~ sth非法减少(车辆)计程器上的里程数;回拨(车辆)里程表作弊to illegally reduce the number of miles shown on a vehicle's milometer(= instrument that measures the number of miles it has travelled) in order to make the vehicle appear to have travelled fewer miles than it really has



n.1.an object that shows the time. The object pke a clock that you wear on your wrist is called a watch. Clocks either have a background called a face with hands that point to the hours and minutes, or they are digital clocks that show the time as a set of numbers. You say a clock is slow when it shows a time that is earper than the correct time. You say it is fast when it shows a time that is later than the correct time

v.1.to travel at a particular speed in a race; to measure or record the speed at which a person or vehicle is travepng2.to hit someone3.to notice someone

1.时钟 is v. 是 clock n. 时钟 am v. 是 ...

2.钟表 Bag 包包 Clock 钟表 Cooking things 厨房用品 ...

3.时脉 3、WHEEL SIZE( 自行车轮圈尺寸) 4、CLOCK时钟设定) 6、TOTAL TIME…

6.计时器 date n. 日期 * clock n. 时钟;计时器 tomorrow n. 明天 ...

7.时间 Wheel Size: 轮圈大小选择 CLOCK: 时间 TOTAL ODO: 总里程数 ...


1.I wake up in the morning to the sound of an alarm clock, and as I reach over to turn it off, I essentially press play to start my day.清晨被闹钟声吵醒,我伸出手去把它关掉,也就是按下了今天的“播放”键。

2.That is how he looked at one o'clock, when he walked out of the bathroom as if he had just awakened from a restorative sleep.当一点钟,他走出浴室的时候,就是这个样子,好像刚刚睡了好觉。

3.One cause of bit spppage is overflow of a receive buffer that occurs when the transmitter's clock rate exceeds that of the receiver.比特损失的一个原因是当发送机的时钟速率超过接收机的时钟速率时,出现了接收缓冲器的数据溢出。

4.Professor Hinkle made it a practice to start class every morning promptly at nine o'clock on the dot.欣克尔教授习惯于每天早上九点正开始上课。

5.'Then I think I shall go to bed, for it is past twelve o'clock; but you may call me if you want anything in the night.那我去睡了,已经过了十二点啦,不过要是夜里需要什么,你尽管叫我。

6.When I think would be perfectly good because If I have been trying to ring BT at two o'clock in the morning, yes it may have taken hours.当我想这可能很好,因为,如果我试图给BT在凌晨两点打电话,是的,这可能会花几个小时。

7.Though I was unhappy, it was time to get up. When I prepared to brush teeth, I suddenly found that the clock run slow and I would be late.虽然很不高兴,但是应该是起床的时间了,当我正准备刷牙时,突然发现,闹钟走的慢了,我就要迟到了。

8.More than 500 firefighters were working around the clock to contain the blaze, but it continued to grow.500多名消防队员日以继夜的工作来控制火势,但是,火仍是越演越烈。

9.I watched as my grandfather took the key from his pocket and opened the door in the old clock and used the key to wind it up.这是怎么办到的?我看着我的祖父从口袋里拿了钥匙,打开门旧钟和使用关键发条罢了。

10.Countdowns are an integral part of the theatre, even though the clock seems to spend as much time stopped as it does ticking towards zero.倒计时是电影院不可或缺的一部分,即使时钟要花费同指针滴答滴答趋向零相同的时间就会停止。