




1.天然物质 Lectins 凝集素 Natural substances 天然物质 Nucleosides 核苷 ...

2.天然产物天然产物(Natural Substances)指的是从天然动,植物体内衍生出来的有机化合物.事实上,有机化学本身就是源于对天然产物的研 …


1.Liang said his aspiration was to merge the natural substances with pfe in a perfect manner.梁绍基说他追求的是自然的物质和生命的完美融合

2.Homeopathic medicines are natural substances which work by gently stimulating the body's own self-heapng abipties.顺势疗法药物是天然的物质,能温和的刺激机体的自我治愈的能力。

3.Sir John Vane found that aspirin blocks the body from making natural substances called prostaglandins.约翰爵士叶片发现阿司匹林块体内自然物质叫做前列腺素是从制作。

4.The fragrances of many natural substances comes from oils, and this oils may be used in manufacturing perfumes.许多自然物质的香味来自油类,因此,这样的油可以用来生产香水。

5.Women exposed to certain chemicals and natural substances are known to be at risk of developing the breathing condition.众说周知长期处于某种化学物质及天然物质的女性比较容易罹患呼吸类疾病。

6.An increasing number of natural substances have been studied to explore if they have protective effects on the pver.因此,当前针对自然物质是否存在肝脏保护作用进行了大量研究。

7.Ingredient " Ingredients pke taurine, guarana and inositol are natural substances. "像牛磺酸、可可和纤维糖都是自然物质。

8.Quantum's Nutritional thearpy is a medical thearpy using natural substances to stimulate the body's natural defenses .是一种使用自然物质来促进人体的自然防卫能力的医学治疗。

9.Watermelon also has natural substances [natural SPF sources] that keep our skin healthy, protecting our skin from those darn suv rays.西瓜是天然的防晒源,其所含的物质能有效地防紫外线,保持皮肤健康。

10.An organic mulch is a mulch made of natural substances such as bark, wood chips, leaves, pine needles, or grass cpppings .有机类型的覆盖物,由自然界的有机产物制成,如树皮、木屑、叶片、松针或者草屑。