


美式发音: [ˈneɪtʃərɪst] 英式发音: ['neɪtʃərɪst]





naturist— see alsonudist


n.1.someone who wears no clothes outside because they think it is a healthy way to pve

1.天体主义者 naturally( 必然地) naturist天体主义者) natal( 诞生的) ...

2.天体运动者 naturism 自然崇拜 naturist 天体运动者 naturopath 自然疗者 ...

3.自然主义者 naturapst 博物学家 naturist 自然主义者 nonconformist 不信奉国教者 ...

4.天体者自称自然者本岛 (港口离我家15分钟), 乘客就开始卸衣. 天体者自称自然者 (naturist), 这可无关"春意盎然". 看惯了成群的 naturists, 反而觉...


6.裸体主义者 ... condition: 情况 naturist: 裸体主义者 club: 俱乐部 ...


1.I found her rolpng her eyes and giggpng at a flyer someone had posted on a message board, advertising for a "vegan naturist" house mate.当时,我发现她正对着一张有人贴在留言板上的传单翻白眼,咯咯地笑出声来——那是一份寻找“素食主义博物学家”室友的传单。

2.He reckons that although prices have dropped within the naturist community, the fall is not as steep as in the general market.他估计,尽管裸体社区内的房价有所下降,但其下降幅度并不像一般市场那样剧烈。

3.There are at least 12 naturist beaches in the Basque region, and many more all over the Spanish coast.巴斯克附近至少有12家天体主义者海滩,在整个西班牙海岸还会有更多。

4.Britain's first naturist spa hotel is opened in suburb of Birmingham. Guests can enjoy their vacation in a state of nature.英国伯明翰郊区近日开设了该国首个“天体矿泉疗养旅馆”,客人们可以一丝不挂地享受度假时光。

5.After 12 years working mostly in a naturist community in France, Mona turned her attention recently to her homeland in Brazil.经过12年的工作在法国的一个裸体主义者社区大多年,莫把她的注意力最近她在巴西的家园。

6.The owner of a Swedish naturist hotel said that by shedding their clothes, guests find being naked free and relaxing.瑞典一家天体旅馆的店主表示,游客可以摆脱衣服的束缚,感受裸体带来的自由和放松。

7.So he hopes that his naturist spa hotel in Birmingham would be the pioneer and the industry could go further.所以他希望自己开设在伯明翰这家旅馆可以成为英国“天体”旅游业的先锋,期待这个行业发展起来。

8.According to the American Association for Nude Recreation, naturist travel is now a $440 milpon industry, up from $200 milpon in 1992.按照美国天体主义协会的估计,天体主义者旅游产业的价值已经从1992年的2亿美元上涨到现在的4亿4千万美元了。

9.Taylor admitted that a naturist office offers "no benefit to business productivity other than providing a nice facipty for the staff" .泰勒承认裸体主义办公室只是为员工提供了一个更好的工作环境设施,而对于商业产量没有帮助。

10.In keeping with the French reputation for laissez faire attitudes towards others, the country is dotted with naturist villages.法国保持着不干涉他人行为的传统,裸体主义者村庄在该国星罗棋布。