




1.不是什么大不了的事情 ... shaking all over 浑身发抖 not a big deal 不是什么大不了的事情 beyond me 超出我的理解范围 阅读 ...

2.没什么大不了的 A big deal 大事 Not a big deal 没什么大不了的 Pay price for sth. 付出代价 ...

3.不是个大问题布卖给台湾的这批军火「照理说,这些都是防御性武器,没什麽大不了not a big deal)。」而且在《美军售台湾中美最大矛 …

5.没啥大不了 ... i mean it= i am serious 我是认真的 no big deal= not a big deal 没啥大不了 ...


1.Honey, you got to be used to all these things, because you are a great guy, not beaten by this pttle stuff. It's not a big deal.Jennifer像在哄小孩,(亲爱的,你得适应这一切,你是个了不起的男子汉,不会被这点小事压垮的,这实在算不了什么。)

2.It was such a burden doing things other than singing as a singer but now I feel that it's not a big deal as I get older.这是这种负担做事以外唱歌作为一名歌手,但现在我认为这不是一个大问题,我渐渐地长大。

3.I did not quite know what to say. I told her that the dress was not a big deal and she had no reason to be upset.我不知道自己究竟想说什么,但我告诉她那件连衣裙并没有什么大不了的,她不该为此而闷闷不乐。

4.She dont want to see me angry and she wanted me to understand it's not a big deal to lose!她不想看见我生气,她只想我明白失败其实没甚麽大不了!

5.B: Yes, but he brushed it off as if it were not a big deal to him.说了,可是他没有理睬我,好像这跟他没有多大关系。

6.It was just something that happened, not a big deal, at least for the two of them, but Clara made the mistake of telpng Luis.本来,在他们两人之间发生的风流韵事若秘而不宣也算不了什么可克拉拉犯了个错误把这件事告诉了路易斯。

7."If they don't turn out to be scientists, that's not a big deal, " he said.“如果没有把他们培养成科学家,那也没啥了不起,”他说。

8.Terry: Yes, but he should bush it off as if it were not a big deal to him.泰瑞:听到了,但他应该不理会觉得那并没什么。

9.And to be able to look back on that and say, hey, you made a mistake, it's not a big deal, everything turns out OK.但是当你有机会回过头来细看,你会说,嘿,你犯了错,这没什么大不了的,一切都会好起来的。

10.Not a big deal for the 49% of Americans who don't exercise regularly, but it's going to bother him all day.全美国有49%的人没有定期健身的习惯,所以今天不去似乎没有什么大不了的,但是他这样做会难受一整天的。