




1.韩国搜索引擎 网络信息 Network Info II 韩国搜索引擎 Naver 雅虎体育资讯 Yahoo! Sportacular ...

2.美国哈佛大学 世贸组织 WTO 美国哈佛大学 naver 世界卫生组织( WHO) ...

3.中韩词典 ... 越汉 Viet-Han 中韩词典 Naver 湘雅医学专业词典 XiangYa Medical dictionary ...

4.韩中词典 BitEx 日中中日辞书 Naver 韩中词典 Merriam-Webster 韦氏在线词典 ...

5.美国在线 ... 国外门户站 goo 美国在线 NAVER 雅虎 Canada ...


1.Naver owes its popularity, in part, to the fact that it is not just a search engine.Naver之所以受欢迎,在某种程度上,是因为它不单单只是一个搜索引擎。

2.NAVER, a search engine with email and blog services, has more traffic in South Korea than any other site.Naver是一个提供电邮与博客服务的搜索引擎,在韩国其流量远超其他任何网站。

3.In an effort to stem the tide, Naver has launched a prime-time ad campaign with the slogan "Go Social" .为遏制这一趋势,Naver发起了黄金时段广告大战,口号为“去社交吧”。

4.Unpke Google, Naver almost never collaborates with smaller companies on new services, but builds everything itself.与Google不同的是,Naver几乎从不与运作新业务的小公司合作,而是自行构建一切。

5.It is forcing Koreans to make a binary choice: Naver or not.这迫使韩国人必须二中选一:用还是不用Naver。

6.Many Koreans already have Naver accounts for email, giving the service an advantage.许多韩国人已有了Naver的电邮账户,这使其具备了一个有利条件。

7.This will be hard to overcome, even with Naver's celebrity marketing.这种效应难以克服,即便是Naver的名人式营销也办不到。

8.In South Korea, for instance, NHN Corp. 's Naver search engine accounts for more than 60% of all Web searching.比如说,在韩国,NHNCorp.的搜索引擎Naver占据所有网络搜索工具市场份额的六成以上。

9.It is difficult to move personal data in or out of Naver.很难将个人数据迁入或迁出Naver。

10.But Naver can't win by locking Koreans inside the gingerbread house.但Naver并不能靠把韩国人锁在这栋姜饼屋内取胜。