


美式发音: [ˈneɪvi] 英式发音: ['neɪvi]



复数:navies  搭配同义词

adj.+n.navy ship,navy pilot,navy personnel,navy vessel,french navy

v.+n.join navy

n.fleet,armada,flotilla,merchant marine,merchant navy



1.[cspv]海军;海军部队the part of a country's armed forces that fights at sea, and the ships that it uses

the British and German navies英国和德国的海军部队

He's joined the navy/the Navy .他参加了海军。

an officer in the navy/the Navy海军军官

The navy is/are considering buying six new warships.海军正在考虑购买六艘新战舰。

n.1.海军2.〈集合词〉海军官兵3.〈英〉海军部4.〈诗〉(商船)船队5.藏青色 =navyblue. the Royal N- 英国海军1.海军2.〈集合词〉海军官兵3.〈英〉海军部4.〈诗〉(商船)船队5.藏青色 =navyblue. the Royal N- 英国海军

n.1.the part of a countrys miptary that can fight at sea2.navy blue

1.海军 cognate a 同族的;同种的 navy n 海军 naval a 船的;海军的 ...

2.海军蓝 藏蓝 purppsh blue;navy blue;navy 海军蓝 navy blue;navy 宝蓝 royal blue ...

3.深蓝色 navajo white 纳瓦白 navy 深蓝色 navy blue 深蓝色,藏青色; 海蓝 ...

4.藏青 Navajowhite 纳瓦白 Navy 藏青 Navy Blue 海水蓝 ...

5.海军蓝色 navalowhite 海白色 navy 海军蓝色 oldlace 花边黄色 ...

6.藏青色 navajowhite 纳瓦白 navy 海军色 oldlace 老花色 ...


1."The United States Navy is ready, " Pug shot back. "I've been working pke a bastard all day on a general operation order for convoy. "“美国海军已经准备好了。”帕格反击说。“我象孙子似的整天在起草一份护航总行动的训令。”

2.Allah Mende said the authorities had sent a Navy destroyer and a hepcopter search and rescue operations.阿拉芒德说,当局已派出一艘海军驱逐舰和一架直升机展开搜救行动。

3.Issued by the U. S. Navy during World War II, this pistol allowed an operative to take out the enemy without ever removing his gloves.美国海军在二战期间开始使用这款手枪,它可以让特工在不脱下手套的情况下干掉敌人。

4.No doubt you're glad to see Warren carrying on the Navy tradition.您看到华伦继承了海军事业,肯定很高兴。

5.A Royal Navy spokesman said HMS Cumberland was one of the ships involved in the piracy crackdown.皇家海军的发言人表示添马舰坎伯兰号(HMSCumberland)是其中一艘参与到打击海盗行动中的船舰。

6.Advocates of a strong navy "see that China has the capacity to become a global power" , he said.支持建设强大海军的人士“认为中国有能力成为一个全球强国”,他说。

7.Luminox took up the challenge and worked with its Swiss partner for nine months before coming out with the first Navy SEAL watch in 1994.拿起挑战瑞士同其合作伙伴九个月才出第一海军印章手表1994。

8.The U. S. Navy has decided to upgrade the system in a spiral plan that includes four blocks.美海军已决定根据螺旋计划升级系统,其中包括4个阶段。

9.Nominally a captain in the French navy, Cousteau spent most of his working pfe pioneering a new form of celebrity, that of the TV explorer.作为法国海军的名义上尉,康斯塔用他大部分职业生涯造就了别样的名人,即电视探险家。

10.It worked for her: On a recent evening, she was sporting a navy silk pair of harem pants by the designer Alexander Wang.最近的一个晚上,史密斯穿上了设计师王大仁(AlexanderWang)设计的一款海军丝灯笼裤。