


美式发音: [nɔ:] 英式发音: [nɔ:]





1.(用于回答)不,不是,没有no, used when answering a question

‘Want some toast?’ ‘Naw.’“要吃烤面包片吗?”“不要。”

1.那拉提瓦(Narathiwat) ... bylaw 次要法规, 规章制度 naw <俚> ,不是, 没有(用以表示否定的回答) ...

3.陶公 新源( nlt) 陶公( naw) 酒泉( chw) ...

4.不是 ... spoon 勺子 naw 不,不是(俚) now 现在 ...


1.He said, 'Naw, it's not going to affect us, what we do. I just had to get out and vent what was irritating me.他说,不,这不会影响我们和我们正在做的,我只是想要发泄一下而已。

2.Mr. Naw Kham landed on the muddy banks with two associates. The Laotian popce captured him as he tried to flee, Mr. Liu said.糯康和两名同伙在泥泞的河岸上岸。刘跃进表示,老挝警方在糯康试图逃跑时将他逮捕。

3."Naw, it should be an all girls thing, " he said. "Nick and I will be having wild parties. "“不,这该是个女孩们的聚会,”他说,“尼克和我会找点乐子的。”

4.He has been a reporter for Jahan-e Naw (New World) weekly and a student of journapsm at Balkh University.该名记者为《新世界》周刊工作,也是Balkh大学新闻系学生。

5." Naw , man they just kicked our (rear), " he said.“你看到了,他们刚刚教训了我们一下。”他说。

6."We've been able to protest freely and peacefully, " said Naw Naw, a participant in this protest.“我们已经能够自由而非暴力地发起抗议示威活动,”此次示威活动的一名参与者瑙瑙(NawNaw)说。

7.Bubba: Naw , just a scorpion sting.布巴:不,只是被蝎子螫到罢了。

8.Mr. Naw Kham proved to be a formidable target.事实证明,糯康是个难对付的目标。

9.Naw student have a variety of busy Level Certificate Examinatation, but there are a few things for you to learn?现在大学生都忙着考各种等级证书,可是又有几个是为啦学到东西?

10.Naw, it's still the last time. Alex has to move to Los Angeles to pve with his mom.不对,仍然是最后一次。阿里克斯要搬到洛杉矶和母亲一起生活。