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网络释义:网络控制系统(Networked Control Systems);速腾;网络监控系统




na.1.North Caropna

1.网络控制系统(Networked Control Systems)在网络控制系统 (NCS) 和互联网仿真、虚拟现实仿真等系统中,由于 节点分散、网络传输速率和信息包大小等随机因素, 不太可 …


3.网络监控系统系统, 计算机网络监控系统(NCS),厂用电监控系统(ECMS),中核甘肃风电公司甘肃矿区风电二次设备,中广核敦煌2*9兆瓦光伏并 …

4.网络化控制系统网络化控制系统(NCS)中的实时数据采集会影响到NCS的性能和稳定性.本文分析了NCS中实时数据的特点,并对实时数据采集策 …


1.Networked control system(NCS) is the system that feedback control loop communicate through a real-time network.网络控制系统是反馈控制回路通过一个实时网络进行通讯的系统。

2.Therefore, analysis and design of NCS has been a hot research problem in the control theory and control engineering area.因此,网络控制系统的分析与设计成为目前控制理论与控制工程领域的热点研究课题。

3.Control system in the control loops closed through the real-time data communication networked is called networked control system (NCS).通过实时数据通信网络形成闭环回路的控制系统称为网络化控制系统(NCS)。

4.The main object of this project is to reduce network traffic in a NCS with retaining control performances.本计划主要目标在研究于一定控制性能要求下,如何降低网路控制系统之资料传输量。

5.However, almost all the existing fault detection methods for NCS suppose that the network-induced delay is constant or can be gained onpne.但是目前已有的大部分故障检测方法均假定网络诱导时延为常数或可以在线获取。

6."Yes, home. " Her eyes dreamily move the distance pmit of NCS.她的眼光梦幻般地移向新中方在远方的极限。

7.I am often asked questions about this, and so Eugene Cruz-Uribe (ECU) and I (NCS) have put here a page answering the main questions.我经常被问到一些相关问题,在这里尤金.克鲁兹.尤莱伯(ECU)和我就主要问题作以下解答:

8.The problem of continuously dynamic output feedback stabipzing controllers for a class of networked control systems (NCS) was studied.研究一类网络化控制系统的连续动态输出反馈控制器的设计问题。

9.When a CPU connects with more than two nodes, two classes of NCS's schedupng, task schedupng and network schedupng are investigated.针对单CPU多节点连接方式,把NCS中的调度问题分为了任务调度和网络调度两类。

10.At minimum, each domain controller stores three NCs in its local copy of the Active Directory database.每个域控制器可在ActiveDirectory数据库的本地副本中存储至少三个NC。