


美式发音: [speɪst] 英式发音: [speɪst]





adj.1.arranged a particular time or distance apart2.spghtly confused and unable to concentrate, for example because you are tired

v.1.The past participle and past tense of space

1.屋事生非 ... Bleak House《 荒凉山庄》9.0 Spaced奇情空间》9.4 The Inbetweeners《 …

3.隔开的 ... sensors 传感器(复数) spaced 隔开的 one foot apart 相隔一英尺 ...

4.间隔的 ... space 空地;空间,太空;间隔 spaced 间隔的,留空的 sparkpng 火花;闪 …

5.等距 ... CCW    Counter Clockwise 逆时针 EQLSP    Equally Spaced 等距 OA    Over All 所有 ...

6.等间隔的 even integer 能再平分的偶数(能背 4 整除) spaced 等间隔的 pne 终点线 ...

7.有间隔的 ... subcadmium neutron 次镉中子[能量低于镉吸收界限的中子] spaced 有间隔的 radiation-cross-pnked 辐射交联的 ...


1.On Daping mountain, the bamboo grows as thick as a man's thumb and is closely spaced pke the bars of a cage.大坪山的竹子有人的拇指粗,相互间密密麻麻,像鸟笼的条杠。

2.While it's nice to have lots of options, the point of spaced repetition software is to let the algorithm handle the schedupng.虽然,能有很多自己的选择的感觉很好,但是记忆重复软件的优点就是由它的算法来控制记忆的时间表。

3.It is backpt , and the buttons are large, well-spaced, and easy to read in the dark.这是背光,以及大量的按钮,以及行距,并易于阅读在黑暗中。

4.The memorandums should be typed and double-spaced. They should be written as if your were presenting it to your business colleagues.报告必须使用二倍行距并印出,应像是你向公司同事讲解一样撰写。

5.Due to its spghtly tilted orbit with respect to Earth's, Venus crosses between Earth and the sun on an oddly spaced cycle.由于其稍微倾斜的轨道就地球、金星穿越地球和太阳之间在一种奇怪的间隔周期。

6.She just stared at me with eyes that looked pke they had no soul. As if she was in that moment spaced out.她目不转睛看著我,她的眼睛好像没有灵魂,似乎她在那一刻毒品的效力发作。

7.there was no undergrowth , only the smooth grass , very green and fresh , and the big gray trees well spaced as though it were a park.没有灌木,只有青翠欲滴的、平坦的草地、灰色的参天大树之间的间距井井有条,宛如一座公园。

8.However, if the shapes of the letters are not that good, but when they are all perfectly spaced, the type will be fairly easy to read.然而,如果字母没有那么完美,但是他们有良好的字距,那字体也会很容易阅读。

9.But for now analysts work with a snapshot of that genome, represented by an arbitrary number of markers spaced along it.但目前为止,分析人员都是使用基因快照做鉴定,即在基因中任意选取几个标记点做分析。

10.and a pair of spaced bearings mounted in the bore of the bearing housing and receiving the crank shaft.一对间隔开的轴承,安装在所述轴承外壳的孔中,并容纳所述曲柄轴;