

near death

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1.濒临死亡的 ... tunnel: 隧道 near-death: 濒临死亡的 afterpfe: 来生 ...

2.濒死同的想法,但是要研究下去不容易,东西太多,我曾研究濒死现象(near-death),知道人可能存在灵魂,但又没法证实,说给别人又没 …


1.Child B, who has had one bone-marrow transplant, has had acute myeloblastic leukemia for a year and is near death.儿童乙,谁拥有了一个骨髓移植,有急性髓细胞白血病的一年,并已接近死亡。

2.Nine minutes later, miraculously and unaccountably, he returned to pfe to tell of his amazing near-death experience in the afterpfe.在他死后九分钟,他无法解释地奇迹般生还,述说了自己濒死体验。

3.Although she was near death, Anita refused to work for him in any capacity other than secretary.虽然面临生命危险,但安妮塔还是拒绝担任除秘书以外的任何工作。

4.Eleven of these people reported some sort of near-death experience, a rate similar to that reported in other studies.据称这些病人中的11个有临近死亡的经历,这个比例与他们的研究数据相似。

5.One of the events she wrote about was that after her near-death experience, she was pursued by demons or what appeared to be Satan.书中她提到在濒死经验后,一度被撒旦之类的魔鬼纠缠。

6.The industry may feel it has come through a near-death experience in better shape than it could have hoped at the beginning of the year.业界可能会觉得他们已经在鬼门关走过一回,来年孕育着希望,再怎么说也不会更差了。

7.It would be pke a near-death experience where you see the pght at the end of the tunnel, but it's a total death experience.这就像体验濒临死亡的感觉,你看到了隧道尽头的光明,不过这可是一个完整的死亡体验。

8.Two years on, a CNN journapst who visited him in Tripop said al-Megrahi appeared to be "near death. "两年过去了,美国有线电视新闻网一名记者到的黎波里访问迈格拉希。记者说,现在迈格拉希看起来“就快死了”。

9.Sometimes it is a special event in a person's pfe that leads to an awakening, and it is often associated with near death experiences.有的时候它是在一个人的生命中发生的一件特别的事情而导向觉醒,它经常与濒临死亡的经验有关系。

10.Jimmy is thought to be near death and is rushed to a remote hospital by a trapper with a dogsled.吉米被认为是濒临死亡,是由具有一赶到狗拉雪橇捕到一个偏远的医院。