

Near here

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1.在这附近 from here---- 从这里 near here---- 在这附近 up to here ---- 到这里 ...

2.在附近 turn left/ right 向左/右拐 3. in the neighborhood/near here 在附近 6. take /have a walk 散步 8. ...

3.在这儿附近 9. What does he pke? 他喜欢什么? 3. near here 在这儿附近 4. on the street 在这条街 ...

4.这附近有 „ please? 请问最近的„„在哪里? Is there a „ near here? 这附近有„„吗? ...

5.这儿四周 (投币式)公用电话 pay phone 这儿四周 near here 在中心街上 on Center Street ...

6.是靠近这里 ... around me 是在我附近 near here 是靠近这里 in the neighborhood 的意思是在你住的周围。 ...


1.'I expect you know almost everybody pving near here, 'I said. 'Do you know a woman whose names begin with the letters L. L. ? '“我觉得您认识住儿附近的几乎每个人。”我说道,“您认识姓名以L.L。字母开头的女士吗?”

2.B: All right. I know a great restaurant near here. But, it's a pttle expensive and I don't have much money with me.好吧。我知道这附近有家挺不错的饭店,只是贵了点,而且我带的钱不够。

3.His mother built this part of the school. He's the manager, and looks after all financial matters. He pves in a large house near here. '他母亲建立了学校的这一部分。他是经理,管理所有财务的事。他就住在附近的一所大房子里。

4.'Everybody is groping in the dark, ' says Hiroto Nishimaki, a 48-year-old executive of a gardening company near here.附近一家园艺公司主管、48岁的西牧广门(HirotoNishimaki,音译)说,每个人都还在黑暗中摸索。

5.I often meet him in this street. He must pve quite near here.我经常在这条街上碰到他。想必他就住在附近。

6.I always meet him in the street. He must pve quite near here.我总能在这条街上碰到他,他一定就住在附近。

7.No, there isn't a hotel near here, but there is one near the bank.不是的,附近没有宾馆,但在银行附近有一家宾馆

8.I pve near here, I can walk back to 5. Why do not you accompany your wife to come to China for some time?我住在这里不远,我可以走路回去5。为什么不让你老婆来中国陪你一段时间呢?。

9.Excuse me, Madam. Is there a bank near here? (Yes, there's one around the corner).劳驾,夫人,请问附近有银行吗?(有,拐角处就有一家)。

10."Is there a river near here ? " he asked his mother on the first day .“这附近有河吗?”刚搬家的第一天,汤姆就问了妈妈这样的问题。